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Let's make IV Reset a thing!


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Legendaries are one thing since currently they are 1 catch and done, but everything else can be hunted continually. Also its not just "pay2win" that people don't like about iv-resetting, they don't think hunting should be made easier. Heck a lot of people got upset even when really rare pokemons' spawn rates were increased. A lot of people care more about the hunt feeling rewarding than getting that really good mon faster.


Couldnt agree more with this one. He nailed it.



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Limiting the reroll service maximum twice within a period protects the farming feature and value of existing.

No restriction on the rich one will promote pay to win.



I suggested ways when it was discussed massively.

Don't know Shane and Red saw it or not.

I had considered some ways you stated, gaining from story and bosses.


BUT The Team is not gonna make it easy, eliminating the randomness to access the service and continuous for ALL players to get it, these 3 elements at the same time, right?


These elements may be just the opposite of what The Team thinking.

They may think that IV reroll of cause can't be an easy thing, not gonna let ALL players keep pressing the reroll button. The farming feature of the game would become useless. What's the point of making it?


One the other hand, I guess The Team won't implement any [glow=yellow]restriction on the rich one[/glow].

I doubt that.

Because it sounds dumb in reality and they may think that restriction on the non-rich one is already a protection move for the farming feature.

And that's exactly how the inequity within the players created.

The rich one is too easy with no restriction while the non-rich one is restricted.

The gap within the hierarchy enlarged and players can't stand it then leave.


The rich one can have all 3 elements above at the same time.

They can just use their cards (too easy), donating continuously to get reroll service continuously and no doubt that they can press the reroll button without randomness.


Let's see the non-rich one.

The Team may probably make ONE coin capsule of 100 coins in story and 5% from boss reward.

The story way is easy and doesn't come with random but not continuous. It's one time thing.

Boss reward is easy and continuous however it's random.


Therefore, restriction must be implemented to reduce the gap between the rich one and the non-rich one.


My suggestion was making the whole reroll service into an item.

Players take this item to an NPC to reroll one pokemon each time.

All players have their limit.

The rich one (thanks for the donation) can use the item twice a month or every 14days.

The non-rich one can use it once per month or every 14days.

Not only reducing the gap, it also slow down the speed of rerolling thus [glow=yellow]makes sure it won't destroy the farming feature[/glow].

Players still need to farm to have a good one and the existing epic won't get low.

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They should make a drop chance ms for that boss drop chance to drop the IV reset, and another MS for the first ms to drop, sort of like a drop-ception. jk.


To be honest I dont think IV reset should be in the game, it will ruin the economy, players who spent hours hunting, players wont even do that as much and would just go for boss rewards instead, we will get less shinies and less pokemon in circulation. It's pretty much what keeps the game alive, imagine if everyone had the pokemon that they wanted with perfect ivs, you would have no goal to reach, no desire to hunt anymore. This is the whole breeding argument all over again.


In regards to legends with bad ivs, i think there should be a reset for only those pokemon. Since they are un-tradable there is no way that economy will be effected by that.


Long story short:

IV reset = NAY


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I have a great idea to make money, just add in limited Costumes in the game that give stats like: +1% shiny chance or +5% H.A chance. It wouldn't completely change the game entirely, where as something as big as IV re-roll can, think of all the Hidden Powers people can start manipulating in PVP people can literally catch junk pokemon and turn them into gods.


Or they can put like costumes that give more pokemon probability like:

Vulpix Hat = +5% More Chance to encounter a Vulpix

Thats how you can make loads of money, think about it there is 700+ pokemon in the game, you have 700+ costumes 700 x X-amount of items sold = $billionaire.

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I think I recite the general opinion of IV Resetting being a terrible idea.


PRO: - A development game that has people spending a lot of time and effort making, maintaining and improving. We've never been asked to make donations, but items in game have been available to us to ensure the developers are ''paid'' for their work.

So using the name of PRO, let's do a (PRO and CON) test! - Completely subjective.


IV Resetting: PROs

Users will only ever need to buy or farm 1 of said Pokemon.

Users will be able to get a 31x6 IV Pokemon 100% of the time. (Depending on your funds!)

Users will be at a level playing field where there are no superior players.

No one has to farm Pokemon any more.

No one has to buy MS anymore.


IV Resetting: CONs

Users will never have an advantage over other users.

It's expensive! Richer you are, stronger you are!

No more need for farming.

Pokemon market will crash, very quickly.

All of your previous hard work is undone.



Look: Those listed aren't important, I'm sure I'm writing what someone else already has wrote and I'm sure it's in the mind of anyone that has endured the already abysmal drain of playing PRO late-game. The game is now a grind-fest, I'm literally in the same boat as everyone else that actually spends time looking for ''epic'' Pokemon, more often than not, to no avail but actually in the HOPE of finding it.


Maybe a way of paying you guys for your work that doesn't fracture the game needs to be discussed, I'm sure the community have a lot of IDEAS.

I'm not criticising anyone, the content I'm sure is hard to create and I'm sure it takes a very very long time to do. So implementing new content such as Sinnoh, and Hoenn before that takes a lot of time. Game development and game industries have began making garbage games and selling further downloadable content (DLC) for 30% of the cost original game. For maybe 5% more additional gameplay.

I'm not encouraging the above, in fact I despise it. However I think you as developers need to consider ways to somehow ensure that players continue to buy MS or even other coin priced services. - Membership is pretty much pointless post-game. Aside from a few cool Pokemon and lower boss cooldowns? There's absolutely no real further incentive to be keeping it. A couple of shiny rocks here and there? The EXP boost is useless if all we do post-game is stand in the Pokecentre and PVP Ranked or Unranked now.


The IV Resetting I believe at the time was an idea to make money from people, nothing more, nothing less. Admins and Mods know fine well what it does and how it would have impacted the game, yet no internal discussion prevented it being thought about. Why?


I think people liked the idea around places like Pinkan, the clones from last summer, the christmas event Pokemon. Why not add more features for players to buy MS.

Or like I posted to you guys separately, a coin priced safari area that holds Pokemon and Variant forms of them. Jet Black Absol anyone?

It's only cosmetic, but I'd rather see everyone running around with jet black Absol, jet black Slowpoke than seeing everyone running around with 6x31 battle teams.


Sorry, never had a point. Just ranting while the server is down.

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If IV reset is added I think it should be limited to one time use per pokemon. So if you catch the rare pokemon you are looking for with the right nature but there are 3 IVs that are under 10, you have a decent chance of getting at least one of them up to 20+.


Limiting usage to once per pokemon barely increases the chance of perfect pokemon, because to make one you will still need to farm the right nature and have a natural 31 in at least 3-4 IVs and then you have one chance to roll perfectly again on 2-3 IVs with the chance of getting 01s instead and being stuck with that.


On chance to find from boss, 0.1% sounds a bit too low, I would put it somewhere between 0.5 and 1%.

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