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Hi there I have an enquiry for the moderators regarding trade chat auctions:

I have only run 3 so far ... the way I run it was aimed for a specific time and if still receiving bids run on a bid by bid basis ending it 1 minute after the final bid. The first 2 auctions went very smoothly. The most recent people got upset at me for carrying the auction on once I reached the original time. I did clearly state at the beginning '' Auction ends at 30 min past the hour or 1 min after the final bid'' I have screenshots if it became an issue. I have not found a guideline on trade chat Auctions only auctions for the forum. I am asking mainly because several people had issue with this and one person claimed he won the auction even though the auction was still on going as I was still receiving bids.



Is this way to run auctions incorrect? And if so what is the correct way to run it?



* id like to note I do my best to keep it as clear and transparent as possible and I record every auction and larger trades with screenshots consistently*


Thanks for taking the time to check this out,


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Hello [mention]MentalBull[/mention],


in a nutshell, unless there isn't a location and price agreed to there is no obligation to sell it to that person.

"I won" after the auction ended but 30 seconds later someone else offers like 500k more, I would obvious go with the higher offer.

The "agreement" is only valid when there is a price (which would be in this case the final bid) and a location.

It is certainly not nice to sell it to someone else after the auction ended but it's not necessarily against the rules.


Let me the scene:

  • 30 seconds till the auction ends
  • User A bids 1mil
  • auction ends
  • User A pms you and asks for the location
  • User B pms you and offers 1,5mil
  • you agree and say a location to User B
  • you kindly tell User A that someone else offered more
  • case closed

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

Thanks for your response [mention]PreHax[/mention] .

In my case I hadn't declared the auction over but I was still taking bids. The issue was people were telling me that my auction should be over.

As the time I Stated was over I said the auction would end 1 minute after the final bid. So I said bidding would end at 19;30 (gmt) or 1 min after final bid. When I reached 19;30 (gmt) I was still receiving bids. People got annoyed at this as I went over the original 19;30 and one person thought that because he bid at say 19;29 50 seconds .. thought that he was entitled to win. Several other people got annoyed at me carrying on the auction and threatened to report me over my auction. But since I was still receiving bids the auction lasted some time later until someone bid and there was no rebid within 1 minute I declared them the winner.


The abuse I was receiving from people in trade chat regarding my auction is what prompted me to make this post. I just wanted to make sure my method of running auctions are above board before I run another one.


Hey there MentalBull!

I am glad to see that PreHax was able to help answer question. If you have any further questions about trading, feel free to look at this Important information post and the Overall Trade Rules for Ingame and the Forums. Also if players are harassing you feel free to make a report in the Report Center and make sure to follow the Guidelines on How to Report. That being said, since your question is answered I will now lock the thread. I hope you enjoy the rest of your week! :)

[glow=blue]-Locked as solved-[/glow]

Until we meet again.

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