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Incorrect coins given from Event


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In the event, I found 3 correct codes which are "3VENT AR3 C0OL", "R4R3 C4NDY" and "P1K4CHU".

But I only been given 200 coins.

[mention]Shamac[/mention] said in https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=99&t=70765

"If you manage to put 2 non used codes in your first post, you won't receive only 100 coins, you will receive 200 coins. For each extra code, you will receive 100 coins, for example, 3 codes, 300 coins and so on."

Therefore, I should be given 300 coins.

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get over it my dude, you got the correct coins; be happy and thankful for it lol



  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

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The content of the event is to find the "code", right? :Nervous:

If someone can't even give the right "code", he/she should not be rewarded, right?

If the "code" doesn't matter from the start, why asking us to find the code? Why don't just ask us to find the "link"?

So at the end, the purpose of typing the code is just trying to slow us down, nothing more.

This is not fair to me and not fair to the participants who type slow because they can just copy and paste the link.

And the result of the event could be totally different. :Sleeping:

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[mention]hahahaka[/mention] finding the code was the task; pretty sure that's what Arkos said and wrote

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

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If one can get rewarded with wrong code, this is obviously an unfair event, unfair to all participants.

Then this is disappointed.

And I will shut my mouth up.


You need to chill out my friend. He got close and linked the post. You got 200. Be happy.


Because it is not only affecting me.

It also affects the base of the participants.

I truly believe someone can be faster and win the game if they don't need to type.

When the code was not matter, we can just copy and paste the link.

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If one can get rewarded with wrong code, this is obviously an unfair event, unfair to all participants.

Then this is disappointed.

And I will shut my mouth up.


Again, that was indeed a typo that can occur due to rush, you are claiming that PreHax's code was wrong, well not really, only one 'E' doesn't affect the whole code + the link to the post to make it a non valid code. That doesn't make any sence, we asked for the links to the posts for a reason.

Time is like a sword, if you don't cut it, it will cut you.

.الوقت كالسيف, إن لم تقطعه قطعك

- Al-Shafi‘i

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