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Genesect, Shadow Tag, Blaziken Suspect Discussion Thread

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Since the other thread is only for voting, I thought I'd make this thread for discussion with Chappy's approval. This is to be the place for all suspect-related discussion, keep it off the Discord.


The entities currently being suspected are the Pokemon Genesect and Blaziken, as well as a re-test of the ability Shadow Tag.


Keep in mind that Download, Genesect's only ability, does work but is coded incorrectly. It still gives Genesect a stat boost on switchin, but it is the opposite of the one it should be given. This, in my opinion, makes the ability more powerful.


You can read my thoughts on Genesect and Shadow Tag here (beware, 4 page long wall of text): https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=413157#p413157


Please keep all opinions respectful, and refrain from ad hominem attacks.


Thanks to MadFrost for the signature!

[mention]Honbuk[/mention], Chappy was sending out private messages to people who thought the ability did not work, telling them (including me) that it does work but not as intended. This was to get people to think again about their vote which in my opinion is a better way of handling this than just not counting those votes.

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