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Repel Seller NPC


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Hi [mention]hahahaka[/mention] ,


sole purpose of Repel Tricks being implemented was money sinking, thus your suggestion makes zero sense. If Staffs were to introduce Repel Sellers the money sinking purpose of Repel Tricking would be gone and It would become way too efficient to not use it. Dont get me wrong It would be amazing to safe some Poke$, but It kills the purpose of Repel Tricks.




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^basically what [mention]iSmurfy[/mention] said, makes 0 sense to add such feature

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The Repel Trick has made the game too easy. imo, PRO wont last long if it starts drifting far from it's original MMO style. Game too easy = less people playing and grinding.

I loved the hardcore farming aspect that the game once had. It's no longer as enjoyable now that I can catch 10 ExRare Pokemon in 20 minutes.. Don't want a repeat of the handhelds.




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The Repel Trick has made the game too easy. imo, PRO wont last long if it starts drifting far from it's original MMO style. Game too easy = less people playing and grinding.

I loved the hardcore farming aspect that the game once had. It's no longer as enjoyable now that I can catch 10 ExRare Pokemon in 20 minutes.. Don't want a repeat of the handhelds.




The pokes don't become more common, you simply avoid the low tier stuff. 10 rares in 20 minutes is incredibly unlikely. Furthermore, even before the recent changes there were >rare< pokes that you could use the trick on. Those included Larvitar for example, and as you should have noticed they didn't suddenly decrease in value when Pre posted the guide explaining the RT.

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The pokes don't become more common, you simply avoid the low tier stuff. 10 rares in 20 minutes is incredibly unlikely. Furthermore, even before the recent changes there were >rare< pokes that you could use the trick on. Those included Larvitar for example, and as you should have noticed they didn't suddenly decrease in value when Pre posted the guide explaining the RT.

I never said they become more common? I know how the trick works lol I've used it since Black/White. It eliminates common spawns from the route. Though it doesn't make things as fast as some players are making it seem; it still makes things significantly faster than they should be. The spawn changes were made to cater to lazy players and people who only wanted to hunt with the Repel Trick. Before the changes things were still difficult, even if there were people using the trick prior. PRO had a strict "We aren't changing the spawns to make them easier" because they were fine as they were. The only reason they changed is due to a small crowd making lots of noise.


The argument that "it's a money sink" is also just wrong. People can make back all of their money and still make significant profit by selling the Pokemon they've caught during the minimal time they have to spend hunting for rares. They aren't spending time on commons which means people aren't being slowed down. Repels are cheap.


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The Repel Trick has made the game too easy. imo, PRO wont last long if it starts drifting far from it's original MMO style. Game too easy = less people playing and grinding.

I loved the hardcore farming aspect that the game once had. It's no longer as enjoyable now that I can catch 10 ExRare Pokemon in 20 minutes.. Don't want a repeat of the handhelds.




The pokes don't become more common, you simply avoid the low tier stuff. 10 rares in 20 minutes is incredibly unlikely. Furthermore, even before the recent changes there were >rare< pokes that you could use the trick on. Those included Larvitar for example, and as you should have noticed they didn't suddenly decrease in value when Pre posted the guide explaining the RT.


I presume, it also serves like an alternative way for (just in-case there is one in planned) a Coin item that boosts the spawn of ER/R/high tier pokemon by , lets say 20% -- just like w/ Black MS.


Though it wont be a pay-2-win but still it drastically lessens the grind w/ less cost.


I know how nathan feels even though Im not a pro-repelTrick but neither is an anti-repelTrick. Just a simple grinder.





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to the glory that will be revealed in us.

-Romans 8:18

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I presume, it also serves like an alternative way for (just in-case there is one in planned) a Coin item that boosts the spawn of ER/R/high tier pokemon by , lets say 20% -- just like w/ Black MS.


Though it wont be a pay-2-win but still it drastically lessens the grind w/ less cost.


I know how nathan feels even though Im not a pro-repelTrick but neither is an anti-repelTrick. Just a simple grinder.

Haven't used or bought a Black MS since it was implemented. Not because I think it's P2W but because I enjoy the grind. That's why I joined and stuck around PRO; it kept me coming back. I don't think there'd ever be an item that increases spawn rates. There'd be far too much backlash and the game would completely lose its MMO playmodel. Glad that there's someone who understands my argument, even if it isn't presented well. I like to grind.


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