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Currently Bugged&Working Abilities/Moves/HM/TM-Work in Progress


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Here is some things that i tested with a friend and who doesnt works :


Abilities : magic guard, unaware, arena trap.


Item : expert belt, eviolite, sitrus berry (works but not as intended)


Moves : protect, destiny bond, hex


Oh, and condition remover berries isnt consumed when the conditions is inflicted, but the turn after that.

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Fling move is a big deal,to make a good hit you have to equip your poke with an important item who will disappear after use(when this move will work correctly),but at the same time,this is perhaps the way to prevent big power spam with it,i've of course read that the move is bugged but i'm wondering how it can/will work and be fun on PRO?


This is a difficult and tricky thing to implant i guess.

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56218 Water Sport (Sport, not Spout), Power Swap, and Guard Swap are currently bugged as far as I know - they deal small amount of damage instead of doing their intended effect.


OHKO moves (Sheer Cold, Guillotine, Horn Drill, Fissure) currently works, but they are bugged as they are able to affect opponent with higher level. OHKO moves should not work against an opponent with higher level.


Healing Wish currently works, but only the dying part works. It doesn't allow the player to send out another Pokemon fully healed.



Mawile, Linoone, Snubbull and Granbull are missing Play Rough

Gardevoir is missing Moonblast

Sawsbuck and Trevenant are missing Horn Leech

Mightyena is missing Crunch

Heracross is missing Arm Thrust and Bullet Seed

Slurpuff (not obtainable yet) is missing Fairy Wind, Draining Kiss, and Play Rough

Sylveon (not obtainable yet) is missing Disarming Voice, Fairy Wind, Draining Kiss, Misty Terrain, and Moonblast

Bouffalant (not obtainable yet, but is listed to be in Hoenn Route 113, so will be available soon) is missing Head Charge

Zoroark (not obtainable yet) is missing Night Daze

Audino (not obtainable yet) is missing Misty Terrain, Baby-Doll Eyes, and Disarming Voice


Audino (not obtainable yet) is missing Regenerator ability (Healer is currently listed twice)

Sandile, Krokorok, and Krookodile are missing Intimidate ability (their second ability is currently listed as None)

Golurk (not obtainable yet) is missing Iron Fist ability (its second ability is currently listed as Scrappy)

Venipede, Whirlipede, and Scolipede are missing Speed Boost ability (their hidden ability is currently listed as Quick Feet)


Protean, Imposter, and Sheer Force ability currently doesn't work


Transform move currently doesn't work



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Searched protean update, and same for mawile and play rough (and didn't check for gardevoir moonblast)

those 3 matters for me :D:


Ah yeah, those are the ones not fixed yet.


Hopefully Mawile will get Play Rough soon......

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