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Hi, New YouTuber on here! haha!

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Hello everyone my names Impair im a 17k Sub youtuber (over two channels one has 10k one has 7k) and I have been a poke fan for over 12 Years I believe if not more and I found PRO and fell INSTANTLY in love with it. I play on the blue Server and I must say i met some amazing people already and cant wait to see what else is to offer! Im gonna probably just be around the forums and also I have decided to do a series on here! Ill link the channels down below :) Cant wait to meet everyone! Hope to see alot of people in my game and stuff and to help me out on this amazing journey! Also hoping to develop a nice relationship with the staff too :D



YouTube Channels:

Pokemon and other family friendly game (Where pro series is gonna be) : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuXZmFmmSIsjLQ2-xn0eyjw


First video on the server LOL im a nub dont judge pls : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VqAWil3rkM





Second channel for anyone wanting to see my other game play(If this is inappropriate pls staff just take this bit off thanks :) ) : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqP7Bk_EVlqIs4MghQKxl_w

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Hey there Impair and welcome to PRO!

We also have various ways to support you - you can check our Game Guides and the PRO Wiki or seek out Live Chat support via our Official Discord Server. Feel free to also check out our Facebook Page, Twitter, Youtube Channel, and Instagram as well! Also check out our Youtube and Livestreams sub-forum! Good luck, have fun, and enjoy your game! :)

Until we meet again.

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Welcome to PRO and its forums o/ Good luck with your youtube videos (left a sub as well :P, looking forward to see more)

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An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

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