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removing black ms and not support repel trick


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[mention]Gambilicious[/mention] just note rule 15 from Rules:

15. Disrespect and Toxic/Trashtalk behaviour with no grounds directed to staff and users will be aggressively sanctioned. This applies on official PRO scope.


Let's talk with respect and we should remember that everyone here has to act in a mature way since no one came here to harass others or is allowed to.


About the repel trick and black ms, i agree about :


Bruh even with repel trick its still a pain to mostly hunt a good to great pvp mon, because it still takes tons of hours aswell as cash now for repels.


Both repel trick and black m make hunting more enjoyable and lead to more ppl hunting in general, i think both are really good additions to this game.


Game should be balanced and i think both repel trick and black ms benefit this feature.


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on forums, as this can then be of use to others.

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@Gambilicious just note rule 15 from Rules:

15. Disrespect and Toxic/Trashtalk behaviour with no grounds directed to staff and users will be aggressively sanctioned. This applies on official PRO scope.


Let's talk with respect and we should remember that everyone here has to act in a mature way since no one came here to harass others or is allowed to.


About the repel trick and black ms, i agree about :


Bruh even with repel trick its still a pain to mostly hunt a good to great pvp mon, because it still takes tons of hours aswell as cash now for repels.


Both repel trick and black m make hunting more enjoyable and lead to more ppl hunting in general, i think both are really good additions to this game.


Game should be balanced and i think both repel trick and black ms benefit this feature.


*no grounds*


you want me to drop some screenshots to justify my post?


are you guys in staff living under a rock?


P.S: if you dont know what you are talking about, dont adress me ty


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*no grounds*


you want me to drop some screenshots to justify my post?


are you guys in staff living under A rock?


P.S: if you dont know what you are talking about, dont adress me ty


I'll be clear on this.


Our forum has some rules, everyone has to respect those rules.


Also, our forum has sections, everyone has to use said sections properly. A public post isnt the correct place for complaining and even if you have something to say about a player you MUST do it with respect. As I am talking with respect to you and as i will always do to everyone here.


So let's please quit this drama here. I am not saying everyone has to be friendly but at least everyone has to pay respect. Not only to staff members but also to every player here.


If possible, we should try to talk about Black MS and Repel Trick here and from now on. For any complain, use the right area please.


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on forums, as this can then be of use to others.

Please use proper forum when posting. Thanks.

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*no grounds*


you want me to drop some screenshots to justify my post?


are you guys in staff living under A rock?


P.S: if you dont know what you are talking about, dont adress me ty


I'll be clear on this.


Our forum has some rules, everyone has to respect those rules.


Also, our forum has sections, everyone has to use said sections properly. A public post isnt the correct place for complaining and even if you have something to say about a player you MUST do it with respect. As I am talking with respect to you and as i will always do to everyone here.


So let's please quit this drama here. I am not saying everyone has to be friendly but at least everyone has to pay respect. Not only to staff members but also to every player here.


If possible, we should try to talk about Black MS and Repel Trick here and from now on. For any complain, use the right area please.


We are simply expressing our opinions about someone who was able to change the repel trick, the topic at hand, the way he wanted it to be by actively lying about the amount of pokemon he saw in a time frame. It is very relevant to the conversation and should not be censored even though the way Gambi went about it was a bit harsh for a public forum.

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*no grounds*


you want me to drop some screenshots to justify my post?


are you guys in staff living under A rock?


P.S: if you dont know what you are talking about, dont adress me ty


I'll be clear on this.


Our forum has some rules, everyone has to respect those rules.


Also, our forum has sections, everyone has to use said sections properly. A public post isnt the correct place for complaining and even if you have something to say about a player you MUST do it with respect. As I am talking with respect to you and as i will always do to everyone here.


So let's please quit this drama here. I am not saying everyone has to be friendly but at least everyone has to pay respect. Not only to staff members but also to every player here.


If possible, we should try to talk about Black MS and Repel Trick here and from now on. For any complain, use the right area please.


answered your rule 15 and you changed your whole point again.


My post was respectful, otherwise i would have dropped some more stuff and this was the nicest possible way i could adress the special human being.


The whole point of my post was to discredit his opinion but you guys had to come to your beloved staffs rescue.


Lets move on tho, you guys clearly took a L and unlike other ppl i wanna hear more honest constructive opinions about this.


Check out these nice shops: Reborn's Shop | Gambilicious's Shop | Walrosskastanie's Shop

Discord tag: Gambilicious#4818

Check out our guild thread, if you are looking for a guild!

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Guest LiquidSnakeK

If you enjoy hunting for hours upon hours upon god forsaken hours then just don't buy a black ms. It's that simple.

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We are simply expressing our opinions about someone who was able to change the repel trick, the topic at hand, the way he wanted it to be by actively lying about the amount of pokemon he saw in a time frame. It is very relevant to the conversation and should not be censored even though the way Gambi went about it was a bit harsh for a public forum.


Blader and Gambi I hope you got what i wrote in my comments.


"even though the way Gambi went about it was a bit harsh for a public forum". This is the point i brought here, saying that this wasnt the best place to express those ideas in that way. Everyone here can legitimately complain about others experience and comments. We are on a public forum, in a public discussion. Feel free to express your opinion but as Staff Member i must remember you to do it with respect.


Now, as Gambi said:



i wanna hear more honest constructive opinions about this.


Will keep the red line since i like red and it makes words more evident.

Let's go back to our conversation :y:


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on forums, as this can then be of use to others.

Please use proper forum when posting. Thanks.

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[mention]Gambilicious[/mention] / [mention]bladermagician[/mention],


while yes Nathan lied about how many he got but I can assure you both that his feedback was completely ignored when making changes duo to the fact that it was just wrong what he said and he couldn't back it up either.

All attempts to manipulate changes will be ignored (I got 10 Dratini in 10 minutes).


[mention]Lucareus[/mention], while yes I agree that everyone has to follow the rules but Nathan had a significant spot as staff, so calling him out for lying; is needed because it was just a low attempt to get changes undone

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