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I would ask that it reduce the number of evolutions to capture the latios and latia. Because this very very difficult to evolve many pokes I do not have and are difficult to find. I wish you could help me. Not just me as other players who go through the same difficulty.

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they have a 150+ hour req for most bosses and then 200+ for others, and i feel like i no life on this game sometimes and im not even at 200 hours, Trust me they make somethings for the hardcore players(no lifers or kids) because they have that amount of time to spend.

Legendary latios y latias minimum of evolved


<r><B><s></s><GLOW glow="red"><s>[glow=red]</s><COLOR color="#00FFFF"><s></s>How much is the minimum of evolved to go by latios and latias e seen that some go with 290 of evolved or 300 of evolved I can take out of doubt if they are 344 evolved of you agos slowly to fulfill the said requirement<e></e></COLOR><e>[/glow]</e></GLOW><e></e></B> <E>:thanks:</E> <br/>


<URL url="https://postimages.org/"><s></s><IMG src="https://s2.postimg.org/itpmv8gix/mis.png"><s></e></IMG><e></e></URL></r>


Discord : Gnirvin#8876

gardevoir-mega.gif  gengar-mega.gif diancie-mega.gifcharizard-megax.gif

[mention]Kapk4n[/mention], as Thor said; soemthing has to be hard


[mention]Primereborn[/mention], wrong but feel free what you want to think :)


[mention]Stongeins[/mention], yes it is possible; and Phantumb is not needed; max evo is 345

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.


they have a 150+ hour req for most bosses and then 200+ for others, and i feel like i no life on this game sometimes and im not even at 200 hours, Trust me they make somethings for the hardcore players(no lifers or kids) because they have that amount of time to spend.


Also saying that having "200" hours ingame is meaning no life is very much a false statement. You are playing on an MMO. Things aren't going to be handed to you.


The requirements can be described as

  • time-consuming

  • costly

  • mind-draining


In other words, they are extremely difficult to achieve.


Personally, I would love to obtain a Latios. However, I have been in doubt as I am unsure whether all my precious effort in collecting those insane amount of evolution datas would result in Latios with at least a nature I want, asking myself, will it be worth it? The opportunity cost in doing it seemed to have higher chances of stepping over the rewards in the end. I believe I'm not the only one who thinks this way.


Therefore, I believe that a quest with such difficulty should guarantee a reward that is worth it. (I'm not saying Latios isn't worth it, I'm saying it would be just discouraging to obtain a quirky Latios (again) after all that hard work)


How can this be solved?


In my opinion, I think that Lati and a "Nature modifying NPC" should be grantable for players as the reward of accomplishing the high difficulty quest, with the NPC being limited to 1 usage per legendary</U><i></i>. This would encourage more people to do the quest, as not only are they guaranteed that their Lati will have the nature they want, but they can also do something about the other legendaries that may have failed to synchronize (Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, etc).


<U>NOTE: This is simply my opinion, not a complaint.


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