6head Posted September 1, 2017 Share Posted September 1, 2017 Quote Hello dear trainers and PvP players, I would like to talk about a matter that for sure bothers many PvP players which tend to meet in higher stage pokes which are widly known as "Staff pokes". Many times when you meet these pokes you know it is gonna be hard. Usually the staff pokes are the really in meta pokes or even outbreaking meta like earlier talonflame and now the new legendary pokes. I am glad that the community made a small step towards more competitive and fair Pvp battles and the alt usage has been slightly weakened to a more fair way. Now lets take a closer look about how do we get a nicely rounded stat poke. We do it by hard farming with lots of patience depends on the pokemon rarity tier. What is the percentage chance of getting a x6 31 IV poke. Well if i am correct it will be 1/31^6 to get sucha poke. What does 31^6 mean? It means 1 per 887503681 chance you will obtain an epic epic poke. Well To be honest people have patience but also they have life so they are satisfied with lower IV pokes. ( Not to mention that there is also a 50% of miss sync so the percentage is even lower). So as an example what happens when in Pvp lets say a 30 speed garchomp meets a 31 speed garchomp. No doubt the 31 speed garchomp will happily smash dragon claw and take the win. Well looking at this the word competitive pvp is a bit overshaded by the fact that a hard farming trainer with a weaker poke loses just because he met a automatically generated truly epic poke. That pushes the win to the trainer (staff player) which have this in meta or even outbreaking meta pokemon. Well The ladder means competitive battling with between the "epics" epicly average poke. Lets look why does staff get these pokes. They get it for putting their time ingame. BUT players also put their time in game to FARM the pokes and i am sure that time input by staff is by all means less then farming a percentage chance of 1 per 887503681 pokemon. Please remember that the PVP community are all trainers which would like to have as fair battle as it is possible. So what should we do with this matter? It is only my suggestion and up to discussion that the IV's on staff pokes should be weakened and the truly outbreaking pokes like legendaries should not be even included as a possibility to get it as staff poke like the base stat 600 pokes. A truly born under luck star player will obtain a lets say latios with x6 31 IV stats additionally with lets say a correct hidden power move. Players also put ingame time to get the pokes, and they do appreciate that staff helps the game by doing staff job. It is hard to drop ourselves from the top position in community which means staff but if we really want a competitive battle game at some day, sometimes sacrifice is needed. I hope the top community people will at least think of this and even if nothing much will change they will try to by themselves be fair to other pvp players by not using pokes which a normal player will with a very high probability not obtain. Crokstar. @Crokstar what exactly are you requesting here if not a ban? Also, are you seriously arguing that staff pokes are especially unfair in the hand of a good pvp'er? Are we going to punish skill now? And regarding the player-caught pokes not being as epic as staff pokes: there still are the tournament rewards which IV-wise are actually better than some staff pokes. What are you going to do about those? Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/71619-staff-pokes-is-this-really-what-the-pvp-community-wants/page/8/#findComment-425416 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Water01 Posted September 1, 2017 Share Posted September 1, 2017 ban them because they hurt my feelings ty Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/71619-staff-pokes-is-this-really-what-the-pvp-community-wants/page/8/#findComment-425417 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crokstar Posted September 1, 2017 Author Share Posted September 1, 2017 @6Head Read my post again... I said what solutions could be used. What does IV weakening has to do with punishing skill. :| Please link me a Poke better then a staff poke (30+ like the shown zapdos) I would like to see it. Obsession about mindless possession. Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/71619-staff-pokes-is-this-really-what-the-pvp-community-wants/page/8/#findComment-425418 Share on other sites More sharing options...
6head Posted September 1, 2017 Share Posted September 1, 2017 I could link the tournament rewards. Pictures should still be publicly accessable so finding them shouldn't be a problem. Also, when I talked about punishing skill I was refering to you saying staff pokes become especially strong when a good pvp'er uses them. Your solutions included just not giving legendaries as staff rewards at all; in fact thats also the part that I recolored into a bright red so that you don't miss it. Not giving them legendaries is the same as banning those very legendaries so while you might not have directly asked for a ban you pretty much implied that it's an option for you. Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/71619-staff-pokes-is-this-really-what-the-pvp-community-wants/page/8/#findComment-425419 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crokstar Posted September 1, 2017 Author Share Posted September 1, 2017 Well I think there are more posts of mine then the first one. While the discuss evaluates we come to some conclusions. In fact still I would never stand after the idea of staff poke legendary (truly epic IV's) since it most of the players don't even get them even if there is this small probability. PS: Talking to some people is like fighting a stall team, you just wait till the PP ends if you cannot break outright. :) Obsession about mindless possession. Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/71619-staff-pokes-is-this-really-what-the-pvp-community-wants/page/8/#findComment-425420 Share on other sites More sharing options...
6head Posted September 1, 2017 Share Posted September 1, 2017 You still believe that staffs shouldn't be rewarded legendaries so you still believe that what is basically the same as banning them is right. This means you basically support banning them. There's not much left to argue about in that regard so stop saying you never asked for banning them. Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/71619-staff-pokes-is-this-really-what-the-pvp-community-wants/page/8/#findComment-425421 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crokstar Posted September 1, 2017 Author Share Posted September 1, 2017 Bro, read the arguments which are written down by players. You do only support the idea of hardwork ( but normal players also hardworks ) I am writing from the pure PVP site+probability and how does sucha pokes impact on it. Others are also putting in logical arguments why the 30 IV's staff pokes are outclassing the normal pokes. And well the tournament rewards are not as good as staff pokes at least i never seen one like that maybe you did so i asked for a link to it. I really don't understand why u are totally missing in your replies the arguments we put in which are quite solid. The IV's should be weakened comparably to the rarity tier as Gambilicious for example proposed. Obsession about mindless possession. Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/71619-staff-pokes-is-this-really-what-the-pvp-community-wants/page/8/#findComment-425422 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gambilicious Posted September 1, 2017 Share Posted September 1, 2017 Quote Bro, read the arguments which are written down by players. You do only support the idea of hardwork ( but normal players also hardworks ) I am writing from the pure PVP site+probability and how does sucha pokes impact on it. Others are also putting in logical arguments why the 30 IV's staff pokes are outclassing the normal pokes. And well the tournament rewards are not as good as staff pokes at least i never seen one like that maybe you did so i asked for a link to it. I really don't understand why u are totally missing in your replies the arguments we put in which are quite solid. The IV's should be weakened comparably to the rarity tier as Gambilicious for example proposed. dw we tried mate, he just can only see his own point. guaranteed > rng and he fails to see that point. following his logic staff should run around with as many generated mons they want to, because its fair since we can just hunt those mons or we can pray to the rng god to get lucky with our single encounter with a legendary like i said i have been trying to be positive but cbb with 6head, he is either staff or eyeing for a spot lul Check out these nice shops: Reborn's Shop | Gambilicious's Shop | Walrosskastanie's Shop Discord tag: Gambilicious#4818 Check out our guild thread, if you are looking for a guild! Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/71619-staff-pokes-is-this-really-what-the-pvp-community-wants/page/8/#findComment-425423 Share on other sites More sharing options...
6head Posted September 1, 2017 Share Posted September 1, 2017 I already mentioned multiple times that the probability of obtaining a near-perfect legendary doesn't affect this discussion at all as long as there is at least one regular player with such a poke. That one player would have a poke that is basically the same as a staff reward regarding pvp but would be allowed to use it while staff rewards would be banned - theres no sense in that. If you truly haven't seen a near-perfect tournament reward yet you haven't been here for long or simply are being blind on purpose. This is the one a guildmate got on yellow. Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/71619-staff-pokes-is-this-really-what-the-pvp-community-wants/page/8/#findComment-425424 Share on other sites More sharing options...
6head Posted September 1, 2017 Share Posted September 1, 2017 Quote Quote Bro, read the arguments which are written down by players. You do only support the idea of hardwork ( but normal players also hardworks ) I am writing from the pure PVP site+probability and how does sucha pokes impact on it. Others are also putting in logical arguments why the 30 IV's staff pokes are outclassing the normal pokes. And well the tournament rewards are not as good as staff pokes at least i never seen one like that maybe you did so i asked for a link to it. I really don't understand why u are totally missing in your replies the arguments we put in which are quite solid. The IV's should be weakened comparably to the rarity tier as Gambilicious for example proposed. dw we tried mate, he just can only see his own point. guaranteed > rng and he fails to see that point. following his logic staff should run around with as many generated mons they want to, because its fair since we can just hunt those mons or we can pray to the rng god to get lucky with our single encounter with a legendary like i said i have been trying to be positive but cbb with 6head, he is either staff or eyeing for a spot lul Yea, I'm eyeing for a staff spot while literally arguing against what some of the staffs said on here (e.g. Thor, who is one of the highest staffs in PRO's hierarchy) and while being aware that you need to be staff for a certain amount of time to even obtain a legendary. Let's just ignore how ridiculous that assumption is and pretend you're right: Why would my opinion count less than anyone elses? Furthermore, you still aren't making any sense by saying guaranteed staff reward > RNG. The RNG already happened a few times and tournament rewards aren't affected by RNG at all. Most people are arguing that staff rewards are unfair because of their sheer strength, not because of how they were obtained. I already told you that I don't want to discuss on whether or not the way staffs obtain their legendaries is fair, I think it's not a topic you can discuss about lightly since you have to value the luck some players get to catch a near-perfect legendary/the skill some players have to be able to obtain a tournament reward legendary against the value of the work staffs put into this game. It can't be objective because there's no clear numbers to base a discussion on. If you want to end our discussion here I don't mind, I'll simply consider it a win on my side. Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/71619-staff-pokes-is-this-really-what-the-pvp-community-wants/page/8/#findComment-425425 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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