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I won a master ball yesterday at the bug contest.

So which poke should I save it for??




First of all, congratulations for your prize :p

You can save it for whichever poké you'd like, but since it has a 100% chance to cap, I'd recommend something with an extremely low catch rate (Beldum, Jirachi, amongst others), that is worth it (meaning Beldum would have to be shiny to be worth a masterball, imo :p)


You can also buy masterballs for 10 PVP coins apiece, so if you're into PVP, it's not as rare, but there are other things more useful/interesting than that in the pvp shop ^^

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Yes but apparently, now it's possible. Ifany staff member can confirm it can be good for you :)




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Genesect and Beldum are the only poke that needs masterball.


It would be totally wasted on others.


And shinies of things that can explode or teleport out of battle, so Shiny Geodude/Graveler/Ralts of certain level range, and Shiny Abra.


And if the shiny has a move like Whirlwind or Roar, you better have a higher level Pokemon on the field, otherwise that Master Ball becomes a must.



Maybe use your masterball for heatran :d


I think i saw a post that said you couldnt use on him


You can use Master Ball if you defeated the Level 99 Heatran. You then gets your Master Ball back after talking to Buck, and you can come back into the cave to fight and catch Level 30 Heatran.


........The thing is, when you go for the Level 30 Heatran, you gets to use a full 6 members team. The fact that you gets to use a full team AND the Heatran is weakened, means the Heatran battle becomes a lot more easier, which in turns means there's not much point in using Master Ball, you might as well just spam Ultra Balls instead since it becomes easier to stall Heatran.


They made it possible to use Master Ball, but they made it possible to do so, at a time where being able to use Master Ball is nearly meaningless.


Only reason to use the Master Ball at that point is if you somehow ran out of all the other balls to catch Heatran.

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Either legendary Pokémon or shiny that might faint by itself or run away. Nothing else pretty much needs it.


Have a great day, bye.




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I won a master ball yesterday at the bug contest.

So which poke should I save it for??




First of all, congratulations for your prize :p

You can save it for whichever poké you'd like, but since it has a 100% chance to cap, I'd recommend something with an extremely low catch rate (Beldum, Jirachi, amongst others), that is worth it (meaning Beldum would have to be shiny to be worth a masterball, imo :p)


You can also buy masterballs for 10 PVP coins apiece, so if you're into PVP, it's not as rare, but there are other things more useful/interesting than that in the pvp shop ^^


masterball 10 pvp coins a piece? i though was 50 pvp coins ._.

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