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Why not make recruit of people for making the other languages for the game like all text said by NPC or pokémon name or move name ?


I'm able to make the french part if needed.

And why not a part of forum dedicated to the suggestions of translations for all languages?


I know the game is not out final for moment but often the languages create barrier for ppl never learn english or they play so long hours in theur native language.

For my part i don't have problem with english but i know more the french name of attack or name of french pokémon cause i play all pokémon games in french since the first red/blue.


And why not a server status when we launch game to say if server is online or offline like a red square for offline and green square when online ? (maybe on website too).

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I like the idea of different languages for the game although I don't believe it would be an easy-going process. Its workable of course, but it really just depends.


The server status is a working process, since we are in testing and we have explained as such many times, the server could go down at any time, and even at sometimes when no-one with the power to restart the server is around...That being said, there may just be a more improved server status function when the game is fully released, who knows.

“Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see.”

thats not the problem translating is the easy part coding it into the game and what not and making a lang selection and all that is the time consuming part they got other things to work on. I mean do you know how long it would take to translate the entire game into just 1 other lang let alone multiple languages ? very long time let them get the release done fast first so they can have more then just 50 players

We planned to translate the game content to other languages when PRO began to be developed, so that in the first client versions part of the interface and server messages have been translated into about 5 or 6 different languages. The project got stopped due to constant content changes and other issues that crossed our way. Find people committed and available to translate content whenever necessary may be a problem, but as Gawerty said the suggestion may be considered for the future. Regarding the server status already there's a displayer on the website. Basically if your client says "Can not connect to the server" means it is turned off, otherwise you'll get in.


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