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Hi there my suggestion is for a way to give up your legendary and be granted a chance to catch a new one. The reason for this suggestion is that every one of my 4 legends so far were sync fails. I thought a system which takes one legend maybe at a cost. Or boss battle reward ''legend token'' that can be traded with your legend in exchange for a chance to hunt a new one. Of course a cooldown or rarity could be put on this to stop people '' farming'' the legends.


My hope is that this would satisfy the communities hunger for better chance of the legend they want and that a sync fail is not a depressed serious Mew's or Adamant Celebi's death sentence. Sync fail legends sit in boxes and their owners cut themselves while watching anime.


So hopefully You consider this for the serial sync failers like me :) :Cool:

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Im in support. However when you mention : " Of course a cooldown or rarity could be put on this to stop people '' farming'' the legends. " makes it kinda hard to make it happen without knowing what set backs it will include.





Kibitz the Whale




My Youtube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/c/Kibitz

My Twitch Channel : Twitch.tv/xkibitz



This was suggested like a million times, just get over with the fact that we can't have nice things :(


+1 as always

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

This was suggested like a million times, just get over with the fact that we can't have nice things :(


+1 as always


I disagree ... PRO seems to have a policy of listening to its users in terms of pvp rules and suggestions they take on. I think if enough people support the idea we have a better chance of getting listened to :)

[mention]MentalBull[/mention], sadly to disappoint you but PRO staff have been more than ignorant about PvP rules and quite literally do whatever they want. I would like you to check out the Unaware+Softboiled vote where we voted on it being banned and we would get another vote on Gliscord H.a+Defog but that never happened.

They banned both with the reason that they are not available in the original games and since then they are ignoring stuff like Legendary Dogs with H.A, Legendary Dogs with Event Moves, Phione + Tailglow.

The fact that staffs ignore those things just shows how incompetent they are to even follow the own precedent they have set.


Regarding this topic; that's not how it works here. The more people ask for something the less likely we get it. The request for legendary recatch is out there since they implemented legendary pokemon and just came to more attention since we seemingly got more and more legendary pokemon.

This is NOT HARD TO SCRIPT, in fact that everything could have been done already but they choose not to.

It doesn't matter what the community wants, we wanted re-catching for months and were told we would get it eventually and since then 4 or 5 months have passed.

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

[mention]MentalBull[/mention], well well my comment was deleted there is that.

Thanks PRO staff for being such smart people!


I will repeat myself, PRO staff surely don't listen to the community on specific parts just look at the Unaware+Softboiled thing. They have no clue what the hell they are even doing.



Regarding this topic again: it doesn't matter how often you suggest something if PRO staff don't want it, it won't happen. It doesn't matter how often you say something.


As for the re-catching legendary thing, Arnie already said that it was possible and just needed maps, this was months ago. So yeah

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

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