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Can i suggest that the cooldown timer of 47 hours be removed from Boss Kaguya? I lost to her and forgot to remove macho brace from my Snorlax. I'm suggesting the removal of the cooldown timer because I read Darkrai will only be available until the 5 of November which means my chances to obtain Darkrai would be meaningless right now if what I read is factual.


Please look into that.


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Happy birthday... and yeah, im screwed aswell. Had no idea that Kaguya was one of the requirements to obtain Darkrai. Now i have no chance to do so.




I tried to motivate a favourable solution around Darkrai to have his stay "extended" but because he was released into the event from the 24th of October 2017, I was told that we had ample time to get Darkrai. So i'm happy with that. Christmas is around the corner so I have something different to look forward too. :Light:


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