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List of moves needed to be add :


Bouffalant : Head charge


Audino , blissey , Lickilicky : Wish


Amoogus : Clear smog


delphox : Mystical Fire


Weavile , Mamoswine : Icicle Crash


Barbaracle , Samurott : Razor Shell


Volcarona : Fiery Dance


Doublade : Sacred Sword



List of moves needed to be fixed :


All moves that traps


Drain punch is bugged since too long


U-turn , Volt switch not working properly since u should see the opponent making his move before choose your switch



List of abillity needed to be fixed :


It's too bad having an ability like unaware finally coded, for ban it a week later because this is not coded correctly, and after months this ability seems forsaken


U can still get burned on a scald, or confused on an opponent water pulse, even if u have dry skin


And many overs abillity.


Bounce bugged too, lets suppose u have a gyarados in front of you making bounce, at 1st turn when he sprang up, u cant even heal bell or protect.



And all the other moves and abilities that I did not quote




Cordially , Hollow Pikachu ^^



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Good post like An1ma say and need Mold Breaker...


And about Mamoswine he can learn Icicle Crash !


CobraMK from Red server.


Icicle Crash for Mamoswine is not in Pro ^^


I see more so much Mamoswine with Icicle Crash !


ah okay , I really have not seen ^^



I already forwarded a list to Shane a while ago with some moves that needed to be implemented / fixed. Some moves need a complete coding process such as Fiery dance as those are signature moves but some like Wish can be added by tutors. I'll forward a new list to him whenever he's available to receive it or work on it, if you got any more suggestions feel free to add them here ( Shane can't code in every move once, moves such as razor shell on samurott can be considered as "low priority" since it can get sub moves like waterfall).

Thanks for the post !


(ps : i think you saw icicle spear on mamo and not icicle crash, pretty sure its not ingame)


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum.

Unsolicited messages will be garbodored. Thanks. I still love you if you pm me


PS: all staff that copied my signature are all fanboys



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