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Oi a todos !!!

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Olá olá pessoas!

Bem, acabo de descobrir o PRO hoje de manhã e já me inscrevi. Sou novato e vim me apresentar mais pra receber dicas para não passar muita vergonha ^~^

Tenho 18 anos, brasileiro e sou fã de um tipo de música chamada MPB

Um abraçaço a todos e novamente aceito dicas kkk \o\


// google translation //


Hello hello people!

Well, I just found out the PRO this morning and I already signed up. I'm new and I came to introduce myself more to receive tips not to pass much shame ^ ~ ^

I'm 18 years old, Brazilian and I'm a fan of a type of music called MPB

A hug to all and again accepted tips kkk \ o \

E lá vamos nós!!!

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- snip -


Hey Thallesman, and welcome to PRO! :Grin:



Regarding the quick tips: open your bag every once in a while in battle, don't hunt for pokémon for an extended amount of time without doing so! Also, always read the dialogues. :>


For more (much more) informations, I'd advise you to check our Game Guides forum and the PRO Wiki :)

If you need help, take a look to our Resolution Center forum, or seek out Live Chat support via our Official Discord Server, we’ll do our best to assist you.

Feel free to also check out our Twitter, Youtube Channel, and Instagram as well !



Good luck on your journey, and hope you'll have a great day!



(Google translation)



[margin=8]¡Hola Thallesman, y bienvenidos a PRO! :Grin:



En cuanto a los consejos rápidos: abra su bolso de vez en cuando en la batalla, ¡no busque cazadores durante un período de tiempo prolongado sin hacerlo! Además, siempre lea los diálogos. :>


Para obtener más (mucho más) información, te aconsejo que consultes nuestro foro de Game Guides y PRO Wiki :)

Si necesita ayuda, eche un vistazo a nuestro foro del Resolution Center, o busque asistencia en Live Chat a través de nuestro Official Discord Server, haremos nuestro mejor esfuerzo para ayudarlo.

¡No dudes en echarle un vistazo a nuestro Twitter, Youtube Channel, e Instagram también!



¡Buena suerte en tu viaje, y espero que tengas un gran día!

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