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Economical Union >>>Last Day


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3 Amigos is recruiting right now!


due to rises on our unified economy, we have considered and wanting to add 1 more Amigo for our Economical union


we seek to add as a Priority a.....


Hunter! someone who loves to hunt pokemons, and who is very active


A Daycare trainer (Least priority)

Someone who loves to train pokes, and who is very active


(1 ATM only for either a Great Hunter or Great Trainer)




*Must be very active player


*Must be a Trustworthy player


*Must NEVER... and we mean NEVER use/have used any kind of bots etc


*Must be friendly



*Must be willing to do the Tasks its applying to do


*Must also agree and place its Signature on a Contract... a very important contract, this is a serious Union! and there is no leaving it




---Our Contract---





A mutal union where we share all that we owned, for the benefit of all its members, we own all we all have, And we each must give in their effort to support each others and have economical gains that will be used for investments and to support our needs




We each have our own tasks to follow, this are such as Hunting Pokes, Ev and lvl training pokes, organazing pokes and having them sold, etc all this task will generate income that will support each ones needs, its like we own a boat, we each work hard to sail





EVERYTHING we dont use for our own

pvp team, our Boss team, must be given for sale on our shop, in that way, we can get more funds that support each others


We must not give free coins, cash, or pokemons to other people outside our union


In case any of us quit the game, we must give ATLEAST 90% we have to the people in our group, you are allowed to give a few pokes to a very close friend outside our union


Our actions are made as group, if the majority agrees, we do ANY action possible

such as kicking and adding people, or making big economical choices, etc


We must all do our tasks


Leaving the group is not allowed at all, since you will get benefits from the start, and more benefits as time goes on, a sudden wanting to leave is not allowed at all, you will be here forever, once again, this is a serious union


When any of us are low in cash or needs CC, it will be provided, when any of us, likes a pokemon in our shop, it will be provided, when any of us likes a pokemon from another player not in our group, we will try to buy it, as long as that player as for cash and CC once that player feels like they desirve to get such items/cash for their work provided


We can add or modify this rules when the majority agrees to do so







Coin cases, Repels, bms etc when needed and requested shall be provided


Cash to purchase a desired Pvp pokemon shall be provided once requested


Any Pokes from our united Personal shop forum for your pvp usuage


Our help of all, we all help each others out on anything possible




---How to apply---


Thank you for your interest to join a Serious Economical union,



If Selected, your choices in the game will affect all of us, we MUST need you to NEVER have been using any bots etc, Dont honor your word, or have been banned before for making bad stuff such as false offers etc, as this will give us a bad reputation, and dont even apply, we dont like your kind, LEAVE NOW



We ask you that in order to Apply, just simply answer the questions and post in this forum



What Task do you seek to apply for?

A Hunter? A daycare trainer?


Are you willing to follow the rules in the contract to a 100%


Whats your in game name


We request you to have discord... whats your ID tag


Will you be respectful with us and others 24/7?


What country are you from?


Whats your real name ?


How active are u in the game?



This Recruitment event will end Jan. 19


the Choicen one due to Votes, will be on Jan.20, or sooner


Ty for reading (Red Server Only)


feel free to ask questions by Private or just post below


Jaccard1, Gabriel10hdz and Strategist wish you a great day





Some players have asked this questions, we thought we should post them here


Q>>What if they are periods of not being active for weeks, such as Work, Vacations and Real life issues


A>> You are most welcome to deal with them and then come back to be active on the game, however, we do need u to let us know of all future periods of long inactivity


Q>>What do i do with the current cash and pvp pokes I have and use?


A>> You get to keep them, we are all here to provide you with does stuff as times goes on like we have stated on the contract


Q>>Do you guys have your own discord group?


A>> Ofcurse, were you can see all data such as sells of pokes, request for cash, cc and more


Q>>Is this a guild/Do i need to leave my own?


A>> Not a guild, but a private Union only you and us can enjoy, we dont share Pvp information of other players in this group, we are enemies in PvP


Q>>I want to apply but What if i dont get choicen?


A>> You will have a chance on the future recruitment, once we are economically stable to add 1 more person into the Union, so do apply


Q>> If i get choicen, can i Cancell my mind?


A>> Yes, as long as u dont sign the contract, u are free to leave

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Re: -RED SERVER- Economical Union


<r>Hi Amigos. I want to apply so... here we go.<br/>



<EMOJI seq="1f4cc"></EMOJI>What Task do you seek to apply for?<br/>

A Hunter? A daycare trainer?<br/>

Probably both, prioritizing what we need each moment.<br/>


<EMOJI seq="1f4cc"></EMOJI>Are you willing to follow the rules in the contract to a 100%.<br/>

Of course yes.<br/>


<EMOJI seq="1f4cc"></EMOJI>Whats your in game name<br/>



<EMOJI seq="1f4cc"></EMOJI>We request you to have discord... whats your ID tag<br/>



<EMOJI seq="1f4cc"></EMOJI>Will you be respectful with us and others 24/7?<br/>

Like always.<br/>


<EMOJI seq="1f4cc"></EMOJI>What country are you from?<br/>

Born in Argentina, living in Spain.<br/>


<EMOJI seq="1f4cc"></EMOJI>Whats your real name ?<br/>



<EMOJI seq="1f4cc"></EMOJI>How active are u in the game?<br/>

Aproximately 3 or 4 hours each day.<br/>



Nada nuevo que añadir, los 3 me conoceis. <br/>

Tanto si soy seleccionado como si no os deseo lo mejor en el proyecto.<br/>

Saludos amigos <3.</r>

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Re: -RED SERVER- Economical Union


<r><EMOJI seq="1f4cc"></EMOJI>What Task do you seek to apply for?<br/>

A Hunter? A daycare trainer?<br/>

I am seeking to apply for hunter, but am able to do daycare if needed<br/>


<EMOJI seq="1f4cc"></EMOJI>Are you willing to follow the rules in the contract to a 100% <br/>

yes fully<br/>


<EMOJI seq="1f4cc"></EMOJI>Whats your in game name<br/>



<EMOJI seq="1f4cc"></EMOJI>We request you to have discord... whats your ID tag<br/>



<EMOJI seq="1f4cc"></EMOJI>Will you be respectful with us and others 24/7?<br/>

yes I always am<br/>


<EMOJI seq="1f4cc"></EMOJI>What country are you from?<br/>



<EMOJI seq="1f4cd"></EMOJI>Whats your real name ?<br/>

jadon tombs <br/>


<EMOJI seq="1f4cc"></EMOJI>How active are u in the game?<br/>

every day 4 hours+<br/>


*I can speak some French</r>

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Re: -RED SERVER- Economical Union


<r><QUOTE author="GrandWarden" post_id="495901" time="1516103065" user_id="1551936"><s>


Good luck with your guild




Its not a guild mate, is an Economical Union, something that can be called a unique thing in PRO<br/>


and we seek to share that with 1 more player atm, but maybe 1 more in another long future<br/>


there is no Leader<br/>


no silly Ranks etc<br/>


we all comand it by a Democratic systeam<br/>


the current members<br/>


Gabriel10hdz is in shadowmasters guild<br/>


Jaccard1 in the nabs<br/>


myself im not in a guild</r>

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Re: -RED SERVER- Economical Union


<r><EMOJI seq="1f4cc"></EMOJI>What Task do you seek to apply for?<br/>

A Hunter? A daycare trainer?<br/>

both, but I prefer to train EV<br/>

<EMOJI seq="1f4cc"></EMOJI>Are you willing to follow the rules in the contract to a 100% <br/>

Yes <br/>

<EMOJI seq="1f4cc"></EMOJI>Whats your in game name<br/>


<EMOJI seq="1f4cc"></EMOJI>We request you to have discord... whats your ID tag<br/>


<EMOJI seq="1f4cc"></EMOJI>Will you be respectful with us and others 24/7?<br/>


<EMOJI seq="1f4cc"></EMOJI>What country are you from?<br/>


<EMOJI seq="1f4cc"></EMOJI>Whats your real name ?<br/>

Mario Zacheu Garcia <br/>

<EMOJI seq="1f4cc"></EMOJI>How active are u in the game?<br/>

12:00-22:00 at the moment, in Brasilia time</r>

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