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which are the commands that are used to promote someone within a guild to officiate or a member ?


Hello :Sing:


To promote, someone, you should use the command,</COLOR>

/gpromote <username>.

<COLOR color="#00FFFF">


If the player is an initiate, he will be a member and so on.


If you are ever confused regarding commands, just click this guide created by Letrix. Good luck :)

which are the commands that are used to promote someone within a guild to officiate or a member ?


Hello drjekill15,


I moved your topic into the General Support forum, whenever you have questions feel free to ask them there after checking the Issue Guide which is solving the most issues! :)


The commant to promote a guild member/Initiate is, like GrandWarden already mentioned, "/gpromote".

/gpromote <username>

  • Usage: Promotes <username> from Initiate to Member to Officer depending on <username>'s current rank.
    This command is only available to Guild Leaders and Officers.


Thank you GrandWarden for the fast answer!

Im locking this topic now since it´s answered.


I wish you a great day! :Angel:

Regards Xylos.

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