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Tired Of Seeing People Log In Oh My God


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I am sick and tired of seeing people login at the top right of my screen so I decided to delete every person from my friend list. But it didn't freaking work. I still see people logging in and it's honestly driving me insane. I'm literally on the verge of ending my Pokemon career. Please, if you can, help me through these hard times because I don't know what to do. I really would love to be able to login without seeing anybody else login. Thank you. :confused:

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Unfortunately this happens when you unfriend someone while they're offline. There currently aren't any known fixes to this, but we're currently in the middle of investigating possible fixes to this bug.


The best I can do is recommend you to re-add them, and then delete them whilst they're online. However, this is not known to be a fix; just my own educated guess.


I'm extremely sorry for the inconvenience, again. Despite these problems, I hope you have a good rest of your day. I'll now lock this thread as there is no further information to be given on this issue.



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