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a small queastion


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hello! i think only a stuff should know to answer me that. i started to complete my evo info of pokedex so i can go get latios/latias.


i made some calculatios and saw that if i complete all the pokemon in pokedex that has evo, i will have max 261 evos.


that will happen because in the past years i get dex service from other players to complete kanto and johto dex!


this has as a result that i will have lower than 344 evo in my dex!

so that means i can never get latios/latias ??? (because even with full pokedex i will have 261 evo)

or is something else i can do ??? is there any possibility for me to get those legendaries ?


thank you very much for your time to look in my question.


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hello! i think only a stuff should know to answer me that. i started to complete my evo info of pokedex so i can go get latios/latias.


i made some calculatios and saw that if i complete all the pokemon in pokedex that has evo, i will have max 261 evos.


that will happen because in the past years i get dex service from other players to complete kanto and johto dex!


this has as a result that i will have lower than 344 evo in my dex!

so that means i can never get latios/latias ??? (because even with full pokedex i will have 261 evo)

or is something else i can do ??? is there any possibility for me to get those legendaries ?


thank you very much for your time to look in my question.


You got just dex service from other guys. So, don't worry, you can still get those evolution data. All you have to do is catch those Pokemons and evolve them. Or you can even get uneveolved Pokemons from others and evolve it them. All you need is 344 stars on Pokemon on your pokedex. Don't worry if you have the dex data of the evolved form of a Pokemon. You have you get its unevolved form and evolve it. I hope I could answer your question. Good luck>3

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or is something else i can do ??? is there any possibility for me to get those legendaries ?


thank you very much for your time to look in my question.


Hey sarks,


dont worry, it is still possible to obtain enogh evolutiones for Latios/Latias!


Your Pokédex has at the bottom left corner 3 different counter for Pokémon: the owned data, the seen data and the evolved data.




A not seen Pokémon (Hidden in a shadow):



A seen Pokémon (Not hidden anymore).



A owned Pokémon (Pokéball on the bottom right corner):



A evolved Pokémon (Star on the bottom left corner):




In case you dont have the Pokémon anymore you can catch another, for example, Magikarp and evolve it, it will count as evolution in your Pokédex. You have to evolve the Pokémon on your own account because just to own the evolution doesnt count.

This is what you have to do now, evolve all possible Pokémon until you have 344 evolutiones.


There is no way you could not be able to get enogh evolutiones for Latias/Latios. Make also sure you dont forget hard to find evolutiones when you check the dex such like:

  • 172MS.pngPichu to 025MS.pngPikachu

  • 239MS.pngElekid to 125MS.pngElectabuzz to 466MS.pngElectivire


Keep also in mind that following Pokémon are not able to evolve:


  • Pok%C3%A9monicon_236.png Tyrogue, to Pok%C3%A9monicon_106.pngHitmonlee or Pok%C3%A9monicon_107.pngHitmonchan (but can evolve into Pok%C3%A9monicon_237.pngHitmontop)


  • Pok%C3%A9monicon_458.pngMantyke


  • Pok%C3%A9monicon_412.pngBurmy, to neither Pok%C3%A9monicon_414.pngWormadam or Pok%C3%A9monicon_413.pngMothim


  • Pok%C3%A9monicon_684.pngSwirlix


  • Pok%C3%A9monicon_682.pngSpritzee



I hope I was able to help you, feel free to post another comment in case you have more questiones about this topic.


Regards Xylos.

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Hi, as mentioned previously you can still get the evo data. There are four types of data for the pokedex: unseen, seen, owned and evolved.


Unseen will be completely blank and will give you no information





Seen will give you all the information about the pokemon





Owned will give you the same amount of information as seen but there will be a pokeball next to the pokemon in the list





Evolved is the last and will provide the same information as seen and owned except there will also be a star by the pokemon in the list





You can get all the different stages at different time, what that mean is if you already have the seen data for slowbro but not the evolved data than you can still get the evolved data by evolving slowpoke. All that will change will be that it gain a star by it's picture and your evolved count goes up one.


I hope this has helped you, I will lock the thread now as the query has been answered and wish you luck building up your evo count.



Please do not contact staff for private support, post your question in the appropirate subforum as others may have the same problem.

All unsolicited message will be ignored for the above reason.


* General support * Bug resolution center * report center * Discipline appeals * Game guide *

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i think i get it!!! and its great news!!!! cause i have spend too much time and money to reach where i am now!!!


i will try to explain it!!


in my dex it shows now that i have pikachu and raichu! i didnt evolve my pikachu to raichu!! i only get them both of them only by trading with another person!


so now if i get a pichu and evolve it on my own to raichu i will still get on my dex +2 evos but my seen and owned data will remain the same because i already own pikachu and raichu! is that right??


am sorry for my bad english!!


thank you both guys to answer on my question and for your time you spend on my topic!!


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so now if i get a pichu and evolve it on my own to raichu i will still get on my dex +2 evos but my seen and owned data will remain the same because i already own pikachu and raichu! is that right?? [...]



Exactly! All counters are unattached from each other.

Now, as the question is answered, I will lock this topic.

I wish you a great day! :Grin:


Regards Xylos

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