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GoodBye Project PRO~


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Paawan, your point is?

What are you saying is "I wanted but".

Anyway, I don't think wiki editors would've faked the IP plus they don't know what is your IP to begin with. Your IP is dynamic making it even less possible for someone else to use it. Now put that someone being related with PRO let alone wiki? You have like 0% chance. The fact is, it happened from your address. Don't be so sure that someone else can "change" their IP to yours. It's pretty close to impossible and if it was spoofing it would be obvious. That being said, it came from your address. That is suggesting to us that there are only two possible scenarios. You personally doing it because you were bored or what ever which is 99% and someone else who was besides you when it happened but they did nothing without your knowledge this is like 1% possible. Like I said, it is ok. Get over it and don't do this again and you will be fine.

As long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be.

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Bye :)


Im sure another game will enjoy ur immaturity.


FYI: threatening to get someone banned because they were asking questions would have gotten ur accounts test privileges revoked and possibly banned for impersonating a staff member.


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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You saw this thread for 10 times after I posted, meaning you read my post and mostly likely arnie. Few words would be nice.

As long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be.

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i just directly wanted to talk to wiki owner as i was being blamed over spaming this wiki.


I m with PRO for more than 8 months or more. and i would never do any harm to decrease PRO's reputation. As i have being saying manytimes be4 to PRO's staff it wasn't me who spammed this wiki. Neither i m interested in adding anything to this wiki. But according to the staff the ip used to spam this wiki was same as mine. But there are several methods to change IP and make them similar to someother persons IP. so blaming me over this with just this much proff can't be considered Valid. In such Cases giving Mac ip is more valid.


Anyways whoever spammed on this wiki wasn't me. I just want to clear this out. To be honest it not really bothers me if i get blamed over this or not. But if other people tries to tease me over something i not done and make my gameplay less friendly it really does bother anyone who is blamed. -.-" .


That's all i have to say.


Thank you for giving me Chance to talk to you.


Converted from PRO wiki into forum post by @Red

1. If it wasn't you how do you explain your IP being used?

2. There are no several methods that someone can use your IP and why would someone target your IP plus its dynamic, yet plays PRO and knows about wiki?

3. You trying to bring up the MAC from wiki is counter-defensive. It's not going in your favor at all. Saying this, you said that it might not be done from your place, yet your IP disagrees. Same can be applied if you said " if it was me I could use proxy". That is counter-defensive. Does not suggests anything in your favor.


My point is, your IP was found doing the spam. Upon cross referencing said IP was found linked by you. As said, no one can use your IP. No point in bringing that up. In past, IPs tend to be recycled where tomorrow someone else from India can get IP you used today. However, that is not the case and even if it is the case, chances of that someone being in PRO and knows about wiki is zero. Yet, every cross reference suggests that there was not other linking except yours.


Do not lie to me Paawan. You better be honest. I gave you a test rank and did what you asked. Show some respect. Do not use reverse psychology if you don't know how to use it please. You saying that I am being strict or whatever and rude does not helps you at all. For same reason your lost Sending PM feature. I will be slowly taking away the features from you and eventually you will not be allowed to come here. Sad to say but that is what will happen. You have to be honest. Being honest is how you do things. Think about it for a second.

As long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be.

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ok i understand what u said. I honestly never messed with wiki.

Also i want u to understand. It really hurt me when u posted that publicly on other topic's

Wiki is fan made. Spams are normal for Open editing wiki's. what i not understand is why u guys keep on blaming me from something fan made. If the spam was in official then i could understand u guys warning me or banning me. :Ambivalent:


Wiki is being moderated by us, so we have every right to warn a user who is found messing with the wiki.

Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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ok i understand what u said. I honestly never messed with wiki.

Also i want u to understand. It really hurt me when u posted that publicly on other topic's

Wiki is fan made. Spams are normal for Open editing wiki's. what i not understand is why u guys keep on blaming me from something fan made. If the spam was in something official then i could understand u guys warning me or banning me. :Ambivalent:

Paawan, I was asking you if you did that. Kindly answer on my question and there won't be any sanctions.

As long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be.

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Wiki is being moderated by us, so we have every right to warn a user who is found messing with the wiki.


Then Mark it as official wiki ? :Ambivalent:


Do you know the difference between moderating and editing?

Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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ok i understand what u said. I honestly never messed with wiki.

Also i want u to understand. It really hurt me when u posted that publicly on other topic's

Wiki is fan made. Spams are normal for Open editing wiki's. what i not understand is why u guys keep on blaming me from something fan made. If the spam was in something official then i could understand u guys warning me or banning me. :Ambivalent:

Paawan, I was asking you if you did that. Kindly answer on my question and there won't be any sanctions.



I m honestly saying it wasn't me. idk how my ip came there.

Ok I am going to check the IP again. If it was indeed yours, you will be actually suspended for constantly lying.

As long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be.

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Alright so I've found the linking for the IP that spammed the wiki. Actually, I've found it in several places and on every place its leading me directly to your username. So you are saying to me that someone used your IP and was reporting bugs on the forums and that person interacted with others as if they were you? Did that person also walked into your house and reseted your router during late hours? Anyway, Paawan. I am sad to say but we will be parting here because you are trying to lie to me. I do like you as a person and you area funny kid and I will give you a chance to make one more post. Once you are suspended you will see the appeal forum only. Please feel free to use it. You have the right to appeal. Stay well.

As long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be.

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