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Hello! I don't really know what to say so I will make it simple:


My name's Eleiseth, and I started playing on PRO three days ago. Just finished Kanto and started Johto by the way.

(Edit: Finished Johto, starting Hoenn~)

I don't know why I waited so long to post a thread about me here, maybe because I was lazy or shy.. :EeveeShy:


I used to play on another MMO pokemon some months (years?) ago, but didn't really enjoy it that much. Then I heard about PRO three days ago when I got lost on YouTube again. So I decided to take a look and I liked it.


I'm playing on Yellow server right now (I didn't know which one to pick, I was first looking for the most active one, so I picked the most recent one) but I don't have any guild (or friends :PiplupCry:) yet. (still talking about the game).


Edit: I joined the guild WhiteSyndicate!


I'm 21 years old and started playing pokemon with Blue version on Gameboy COLOR.. and played every gen since then. (Except for gen3, don't really like it) My fav being 4th obviously (who doesn't love Sinnoh?).


I'm playing for the story at the moment, and to discover what PRO is hiding.. (some funny things here and there.. nocturnal feather..) But I will focus on helping others and PVP once I'm done with quests and stuff.


Also, English is not my native language, sorry for my mistakes.


Oh, also I'm very friendly so if you have any questions (about the game or about me) if you need help or if you want to meet in game to play or anything, don't hesitate!


I think I said everything I wanted.. maybe I forgot some things.. but that's who I am so it's fine. Hope to see some of you around and have a nice day! :CharYay:

Edited by Eleiseth
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