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Pristine Serene, 30/100 Members! | Recruiting, Silver Server! [Lock]


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"Suicune embodies the compassion of a pure spring of water. It runs across the land with gracefulness. This Pokémon has the power to purify dirty water."



Pristine Serene's main focus is to offer a safe area of stress-free game play in and out of PRO and our Discord server! We focus on having, as well as welcoming, players with fantastic attitudes who's main goal is to help one another, as well as helping other players while playing the game! We immediately run to help people to our best ability, and caliber, possible, weather it's back-tracking to help out with a simple trade evolution, or doing some forum research to find the answer for someones much needed question! No question is un-important when learning to play the game, therefore we strive to make you feel comfortable and welcome in our serene little community! We welcome all players, from new-players just logging into Kanto to veteran players, eagerly awaiting their next challenge!



M9MhRVg.png@Mafi [Guild Master]

M9MhRVg.png@Vesra [Officer]

vmMMm9V.png@LadyArticuno [Officer]

vmMMm9V.png@captainwestenra [Graphic Designer/Compliment Police]



M9MhRVg.pngHave a good attitude and respect one another! We understand that people don’t have a good day all of the time, but try to focus on the positives!

M9MhRVg.pngBe sure to show good sportsmanship! Your attitude can reflect upon others, so don’t let the little things get to you- There’s always next time!

M9MhRVg.pngIf you plan on going inactive for over two weeks then be sure to let a guild staff member know! We kick after an ongoing 2 week period of inactivity, as to keep an active flow of players coming into the guild, and we would hate to lose you!

M9MhRVg.pngDo not beg for items, Pokémon, or money.

M9MhRVg.pngPlease, and I can’t stress this enough, make attempts to interact and talk with your guild-mates! We love to see everyone interacting and making friends with one another, so don’t be shy!

M9MhRVg.pngContact a guild staff member if you are being harassed or bullied within the guild, by another of our members, and it will be handled accordingly. Harassment and bullying is not tolerated.



M9MhRVg.pngAge of 16+

M9MhRVg.pngBe Active on Discord



Wp00bsL.png25+ Guild Members, 2.5% Bonus XP | [✔]

Wp00bsL.png50+ Guild Members, 5% Bonus XP | [✖]

Wp00bsL.png75+ Guild Members, 7.5% Bonus XP | [✖]

Wp00bsL.pngRanked in The Uppermost Guild Ladder, 25% Bonus XP | [✖]

Your Discord Tag:
Your Trainer Card:
Are you an active player?:
Are you of the age 16 years or up?:
Do you meet the requirements to join this guild?:
Why do you feel you will be a good addition for this guild?:
What server did you make your first account on? (Blue, Red, Yellow, Gold, or Silver):







© @captainwestenra

Edited by Mafi
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© to CaptainWestenra for my perfect userbar.

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Your Discord Tag: Yin4TheWin#8857

Your Trainer Card: For some reason it won't attach. I have 6 Kanto badges and 23 h playtime. I know I'm not a champion but can this be an exception please? I'm really close :(

Why you feel you will fit in well with this guild?: I'm active and wanna make some friends :)

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"Made it, Ma! Top of the world!"

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Your Discord Tag: domfaruge#8281

Your Trainer Card: I have no idea how to attach it, but i am Kanto champ with 3 badges in Johto and 62hrs

Why you feel you will be a good addition to this clan: I'm active a lot recently could help people acquire pokemon for the pokedex

(I also have no idea if i did this right because i dont know how to use forums)

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@Daminick Sent you a friend request on discord, so we can discuss further details. (: For now I have to go to work, so I won't be able to send invitations out until I'm back home.


EDIT: Discord & Guild Invite Sent!

Edited by Mafi



© to CaptainWestenra for my perfect userbar.

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Do you meet the requirements to join this clan?: Yes, I do.

Your Discord Tag: Déo#7989

Your Trainer Card:


Why you feel you will be a good addition to this clan:

Because I have a lot of experience with the Pokémon lore and think I could help with the guilds's growth.

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Do you meet the requirements to join this clan?: Yes, I do!

Your Discord Tag: Misaki#5637

Your Trainer Card:


Why you feel you will be a good addition to this clan:

I know a lot about Pokémon™ (still learning about PRO though) and I'm very friendly, so I'll try to make friends and help whoever is in need

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