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Every time I have to do one of these "Introduction" posts it feels awkward. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for making friends on a forum and sharing gaming experiences. But no one really reads these. I'm sure a few people do, but I've signed up for easily a dozen different forums and I usually only glance at one or two of the introductions to see how everyone else is wording them. I digress, this is an introduction and introduce I shall. My name is Andrew, but I've been using the handle Cards for like, 15 years. It's a bit....different in style, I guess, some people think it is. I started using it when I was a teenager because I was really into magic. (Magic tricks that is, though I thoroughly enjoy Magic: The Gathering as well.) Plus the username is rarely taken. I'm 27 and currently working towards my bachelors in computer technology, I want to be a programmer. I've been playing Pokemon games for a long time. My first was Blue way back in 1998, got it for Christmas along with my GameBoy. I picked Squirtle as my first starter and he's been my favorite starter ever since. I watched the series for a long time as well, actually only recently fell out of the loop. I have too many hobbies and I tend to rotate, being more up to date with a few and losing touch with others. I'll get caught up with a new game or anime and stop playing/watching old favorites. But I find time to enjoy all of them as best I can. Right now I'm playing a lot of Warframe on the Xbox One and watching Fairy Tail on Netflix. If I had to put labels on myself I would say that I was a gamer, nerd, comedian, and professional, not necessarily in that order. I'm married and mostly happy with my life, I'm not eating tide pods or posting memes about my debilitating depression, so there's that. I love science and technology and sometimes the simplest things amaze me. I also enjoy long walks on the beach and flossing. Just kidding, who has time to floss? Well, if you want to know anything else feel free to PM, and if you act creepy be prepared for a contest, I can be very competitive. If this game is as good as my friends said it was then I should be all over the forums asking loads of questions very soon. Thanks for taking the time to read my intro, have a good one. L8r.



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