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Strange bug


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Hello there,

So my girlfriends signed into her account after two years (Didn't play for that long) but is now in Viridian, with no pokemon, none in party, none in pc.

When I go back to oak the bulbasaurs gone, I can't interact to get pokedex, can't leave the lab. On relogging it sets me back in viridian with no pokes again.

On coming into an encounter I'm immediately teleported back to the viridian pc. Been trying to get to viridian maze to claim abandoned poke and hopefully fix things but, rng is really against me haha

Her IGN - LauraSevy


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Hello there,

So my girlfriends signed into her account after two years (Didn't play for that long) but is now in Viridian, with no pokemon, none in party, none in pc.

When I go back to oak the bulbasaurs gone, I can't interact to get pokedex, can't leave the lab. On relogging it sets me back in viridian with no pokes again.

On coming into an encounter I'm immediately teleported back to the viridian pc. Been trying to get to viridian maze to claim abandoned poke and hopefully fix things but, rng is really against me haha

Her IGN - LauraSevy


Hey @TalosKhant,


Im sorry for this inconvenience.

The game progress of all not used accounts which havent a high play time, that means all accounts which wasnt used for a very long time and werent played much, were deleted, also your accounts as your playing times didnt hit the limit.


Playing with a resetted account, like you do, may cause problems.

We have the option to reset your accounts and refund all your possible accessoires which were bought with coins and give you a start budged of 40 coins. You have to start from the very beginning but you can keep your account, your possible accessoires, have a starting budged of 40 coins and a new dex data plus a new starter Pokémon which you should have lost. If wanted, I need a confirmation of you and your girl friend. Otherwise you have to create a new account.


Kind regards Xylos

Staff does not give any private support in personal messages. Please use the proper forum instead.

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Hey Xylos!


Thank you for getting back so quickly!

Yeah I think it's best to reset the account if possible! We both confirm this, as there has been other bugs since (Like in the photo).

Her IGN as stated is - LauraSevy

(Please don't delete my progress by accident xD)


The second photo is her ID card (Just incase further Validation is required!)


Thank you again! - Talos



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Um, I have the same issue after the reset, it reset me back to Viridian with no Pokemon again haha

It's okay though, I'll just make a new account!

Hi there,


Your account was recently unmerged; have you already re-merged? If so, please let me know. If you haven't merged already, you will need to select Blue as your main server, as opposed to Red. This is so your account gets a reset on its story data.


Quick Reminder on how to merge:

[spoiler=Step 1]Log into your dashboard and click the [Merge is required] button:



[spoiler=Step 2]Select the desired merge option; once you get the successful merge dialogue, you're done!



Kind Regards, Astraea.


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