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Hello everyone.

I'm new here. I'm probably a bit out of age, but the passion for pokemon is too strong to ignore it.

I hope to find new companions to share this adventure with, possibly italians cuz my english is so bad :EeveeShy:

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Ameryll Rowe beat Kanto E4 (June 2017)


Ameryll Rowe beat Johto E4 (April 2018)


Ameryll Rowe beat Hoenn E4 (July 2020)



My favorite pokemon is my Starmie, he has been my best friend since day one!

My 2nd favorite favorite Pokemon is my Gengar, I caught him in "Johto" and ever since I did. he has been one of my close friends!

My third favorite pokemon is my Blastoise, he was my "Kanto" starter and since has grew to be my family.


Starmie, Gengar and Blastoise are my family and my closest friends in Pokemon Revolution Online!

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