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First point :


I want to improve my shop and for that, i would like to add a gallery like this :


1526038905368.png.9e68129a8954d3f02da2b95c57a89b85.png (picture taken from another shop)


But obviously I have no idea on how to make that. I've created my imgurr album and found the following imgurr code :


<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/FA4RhEz"><a href="//imgur.com/FA4RhEz"></a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>


But when i copy that on my shop, it doesn't work. I've tried to use the MEDIA tags but it doesn't work too.


Someone can tell me how to do that ? Or tell me if another topic already talks about that.


Second point :


I added some pictures on my shop but someones are a bit too large and it's ugly. Is there any tip to resize a picture directly in the editing mode ?


Third point :


I'm adding prices under the pictures but It's not at the place I want. Better look the following screenshots to understand :


Here is the view of my shop with prices regrouped in the middle, concentrated :


Here is the view in the editing mode of the same poke with prices just under pictures (using spaces) :




I want to keep prices like in the editing mode. Someone can tell me how to do that ? (I've tried spaces, tabs, ASCII codes, caracters in the middle...).


Sorry in advance if those basic questions have already been asked but i've searched and found nohing related to.

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Hey @Rharomy,


to your first point:


When you create a imgur album and click on it, you should get the option to copy a way smaller link not like the one you have mentioned. You should use this smaller one.



Then, when you want to use the Media tag, which is a correct way, you should do it in this way:


  • Using the un-toggled BB code mode and use the media buttom in the working bar.
  • In case you use the toggled BB code mode, you have to insert the link in following way:
    Original image: https://i.imgur.com/1MvyKM1.png





To your second point:


Imgur images will be shown in exactly the size you have made them. I personally dont know any way to decrease the size of the picture except insterting the image into a other programm (For example Gimp), decrease the image there and take another shot with imgur.


To your third point:


Unfortunately forum editors doesnt strip spaces. To expand the space you can use [plain]


, which isnt so much that you could use it for your problem, but I still want to mentioned it in case you have a idea to use the command. The only way I know would be to take the same or a similar color of the forum back ground and insert a placeholder between your prices.






The forum background color is:

~ HTML-Code: #121210

~ RGB-Code: R: 18 G: 18 B: 16

~ HSV: 60° 11.11% 7.06%



I hope I was able to help you sufficiently. In case you should have more questions or something shouldnt work, feel free to reply at this topic.


Kind regards Xylos

Edited by Xylos

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Hey @Rharomy,

to your first point:



Thanks a lot for your answers !


For the first point, it works fine in the case of a unique picture. But in my case it's a complete gallery with more than 1 picture.

In Imgurr, you have one link on each picture of the gallery and you have one global link of the complete gallery. Your solution doesn't work for the gallery link.


I've tested a ton of things and I found one which is working so I share it :


[ MEDIA=imgur]a/UlHav8X[/MEDIA] When my gallery link on imgurr is [ MEDIA=imgur]UlHav8X[/MEDIA]


The difference between a gallery link and a picture link is that there is an additionnal level for the folder which is named "a" in the url. When you use the media with the url like you say, you have [ MEDIA=imgur]UlHav8X[/MEDIA] which doesn't work. Just need to add the "a/" from the url into the media and it's work well.


For the second point, you just confirmed what i was thinking, so I'll just resize before inserting the picture :)


And for the third point, I've tested your "[ color=#121210]----[/ color]" tip with the background color of the spoiler which is #2B2B2B and it worked fine ! I'll use that, thanks !

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Thanks a lot for your answers !


For the first point, it works fine in the case of a unique picture. But in my case it's a complete gallery with more than 1 picture.

In Imgurr, you have one link on each picture of the gallery and you have one global link of the complete gallery. Your solution doesn't work for the gallery link.


I've tested a ton of things and I found one which is working so I share it :


[ MEDIA=imgur]a/UlHav8X[/MEDIA] When my gallery link on imgurr is [ MEDIA=imgur]UlHav8X[/MEDIA]


The difference between a gallery link and a picture link is that there is an additionnal level for the folder which is named "a" in the url. When you use the media with the url like you say, you have [ MEDIA=imgur]UlHav8X[/MEDIA] which doesn't work. Just need to add the "a/" from the url into the media and it's work well.


For the second point, you just confirmed what i was thinking, so I'll just resize before inserting the picture :)


And for the third point, I've tested your "[ color=#121210]----[/ color]" tip with the background color of the spoiler which is #2B2B2B and it worked fine ! I'll use that, thanks !


Hey @Rharomy,


nice to hear that you get rid of the problem´s! :)

I tried to use the Media form with my album it worked fine as I used the un-toggled BB code. I didnt tested it with the toggled mode or manuall as I thought its identical with the normal, one picture inserting, form. That was my bad, Im sorry for that but its great that you found a way to solve that, thank you very much for this information! :)


Now, as all questiones are answered and everything seems to be fine, I will lock this topic.

I wish you a great day and good luck with your shop. :)


Kind regards Xylos

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