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Amount Of Players Eligible For The Ladder Tournaments Increased. (Silver)

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Based on the team's recent efforts on the merge and transferring players from Gold to Silver server, I assume the eventual goal is to have most people on the Silver server. If I am correct in this assumption, I believe it'd be best if the amount of people eligible for entry into the ladder tournaments were increased. Many capable players that were in the Gold server are now in Silver so I believe the amount of participants in the ladder tournament will start to slightly decrease because of this. They especially will continue to decrease because Eaty is still working on transferring people over so I think the requirement for the ladder tournaments (Silver Server) should be Top 50 placement . Even if the amount of participants didn't decrease at all I still think it'd be awesome if the amount of participants in these tournaments increased. There are great prices being rewarded so I don't want it to be a cake walk to receive them. I would also like to establish the fact that I don't think the names of the extra 25 people should show on the website because a competitive ladder is healthy for PvP. But I do think we need a way to increase the amount of participants especially if other tournament formats are to be explored (this point is for Aphotyx).

Completely agreed.There is so much tournaments formats we could do,and finally change stuff abit would do more good than bad.


But yeah,don't make it so the ladder gets extended to 50.The ladder needs to stay competitive.


Would be nice to have that top 50 for ladder tournament anyways.

Married to Shaymin



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