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Hey @LordSlayde,


I'm sorry for this inconvenience; don't worry about your data, you didn't lose any of your progress!


Red Server and Blue Server have recently merged into Silver Server, and the Yellow Server is now renamed as the Gold Server. Therefore you will need to play on Silver Server if you wish to continue your Red / Blue Server progress.

If you can't log into Silver Server, you probably need to merge your Red & Blue account, follow these steps to merge your account, make sure to select the right server as your main server!


How to merge:

[spoiler=Step 1]Log into your dashboard and click the [Merge is required] button:




[spoiler=Step 2]Select the desired merge option; once you get the successful merge dialogue, you're done!



If you have some errors while doing the merge, check the Common Merge Errors: FAQ.

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hello , fi you played at Blue or red server yes is possible by emrging your account , go to main site select account , enter on dashboards and a merge the account you had the pokémons . have a nice day .

  - Battle Tower Sheet:

Battle Tower and Tactics (Google Drive Sheet)


- Oak's Newspaper:














As you have successfully merged your account, I will now lock this topic.


Have a great day!




General SupportPRO DiscordGame GuidesMapping BugsRules


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Use the appropriate forums as it may be helpful to others.

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