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Bill and as a Boss Trainer


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Location: Goldenrod City on his Family's house, Johto.

Requirements: 200 hours, all Eeveelutions obtained on the pokedex. (except Leafeon, Glaceon and Sylveon; should be caught not seen.)

Team: Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Umbreon, Espeon, Clefable.

Possible Rewards: 10k-20k, Evolution Stones, 5 rare candies, Eevee, Cleffa, Shiny Eevee (rare chance)

Third Reward: Eevee (10% to be Shiny) , Cleffa, Togepi,, Riolu.



Challenging him: Hey, <Trainer> How was my Invention? it is been greatly used by Trainers worldwide and it really helped me to be known to the industry, So what's up? need something on me? (I want to battle you.) Proceeds to Pre-Battle (Nothing just saying Hi.) Oh, Ok.


Pre-Battle: Ohoho.. A battle? why not, also you filled up your Pokedex with the Favorite Pokemons i like. So shall we start?

Pre-battle (Requirements not meet): Oh a battle?, but you didn't have obtained every evolutions of Eevee yet, Come back when you get them all.


Win against him: You got some moves there <Trainer>,well atleast i enjoyed it so... (Rewards given) ...you beat me once/twice i will give you something special.

Lost against him: Woops, i think i still got it!. I won the battle, Try Again sometimes. (You will pay him instead)


Rebattle him: Oh <Trainer> you came back, Are you ready? (Choosing Yes) Alright! lets go. (Choosing No) Oh, i see.

Third Battle: Oh! hi there! lets do this. (You have no options to deny his battle this time so be prepare.)


Third time you win: Wow! you really are good!!!.. You always amazes me, <Trainer> (Rewards given) Oh here please choose one of my Pokemon. (Choose to his Pokemon) Well then, lets battle again sometimes.


Reason: I came up to my mind to make as a Boss due to his lack of appearance in the game due to you will encounter him in one place but due to he is the creator of Pokemon Boxes he should be having his own Boss Battle. And also... i love seeing Bill as a Boss. that is all. :D

Let's be friends.

Go Garchomp!


You want to test me?

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10% chance to get shiny is extraordinarily high - that would need to be brought down to be on par with other boss rewards (1/2000-4000). 10% is not "rare", that would literally be the best chance to get a shiny anywhere in the game, and that's for a super desirable pokemon. The value would be destroyed.


Bill is a decent idea for a boss character, however the team you suggested is 5/6 what the boss Sage in Sprout Tower already has. It would need more variation, I think.





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Hmm... yeah i see. well, i guess his team will be:

Jolteon - one his favorite Pokemon.

Clefable - Reference of him becoming a Clefairy.

Alakazam - he has an Abra ingame.

Ninetales - (Pokemon Adventures Manga Reference)

Exeggutor - (Pokemon Adventures Manga Reference)

Gyarados - (Pokemon Adventures Manga Reference.)


But still the requirements still the same due to his favorites are eeveelutions.



And lets change his drops:


Possible Rewards: 10k-20k, Evolution Stones, 5 rare candies, Eevee, Cleffa, Shiny Eevee (rare chance), Vulpix, Exeggcute, Magikarp.

Third Reward: Eevee (low chances to be Shiny) , Cleffa, Abra, Riolu.

Let's be friends.

Go Garchomp!


You want to test me?

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  • 1 month later...

Hey there,


this is very well thought-out suggestion and very well put together but at this point in time we have to deny it.

We usually almost always deny boss suggestions. Thank you and I am very sorry.



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