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  1. Past hour
  2. Auction started 7 hours 34 mins https://vclock.com/timer/#countdown=07:38:00&date=2024-04-26T19:14:28&title=rotom+auction
  3. Today
  4. @Fubuofwon the auction congrats (I forgot to take SS of the Trade )
  5. I give money away to random people until Astrella comes out. @Trantoan62
  6. i suppose payday is also not coded properly as there is no extra drop of money in game but it deal damage only
  7. I give money away to random people until Astrella comes out. @drinuchiha
  8. Vio


    Auction end. Thanks everyone.
  9. Hello @Kabarex82 Please make sure you are posting evidence of trade completion with your auctions, as stated in our Auction rules. I have been monitoring this to make sure you and @Jhonvast were able to meetup up by the end of this day, and can confirm the transaction was finalized. Will lock this thread as there is no further action to take here at the moment. Innerfocus
  10. Novaaaa


    hi my pokemon are all stuck i cant swap them or change em in the pc "you cannot moove region locket pokemon" but its pokemon from this region its an old account i just come back
  11. Yesterday
  12. Start Offer 20k Min bid 10k Auction ends 48h after the first bid No insta
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