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Everything posted by Tigerous

  1. We have been talking about it and it will get done. Thank you for your suggestion. Have a good day.
  2. This auction time should have ended while ago. There is use from keeping it going. Locked.
  3. Moved the thread in the correct place. Also have fun guys.
  4. We do love you too. Enjoy your gameplay and keep that spirit up ^
  5. Locked upon owner's request.
  6. Deleted the unnecessary comments and removed an offer that was made on your pokemon. Please keep the thread for offering only.
  7. Make sure to post the pokemon that the players are offering for. And read the trade rules. Offers till you edit will not be counted. Locked since pokemon got traded.
  8. Please avoid the external talks and keep the comments for your offers.
  9. Moved to the right section.
  10. You sounded like Rhyperior is really overused in PRO. There is no point from that thread. We are aiming to add not to reduce and ban things from the game, Therefore that thread has no use.
  11. The real question is, are you tiger enough?
  12. There are no plans to make rerolls for normal/shiny/event pokemon yet (At least nothing is yet discussed till now). However Reroll ticked according to the last update is now tradable so people would be able to make their legendaries better.
  13. Hello guys, I'm a new Moderator. I'm glad to meet you all and looking forward enjoy and help everyone around. Whenever anyone needs anything feel free to PM on forums or ingame. Greetings~~
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