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Everything posted by Tigerous

  1. After investigation, the pokes were returned and the user was permanently banned. Check your last boxes. Good day. Tigerous~
  2. Auction is corrected. Make sure check all your offers and give acceptance or denial signs in the future else it will be considered an infraction that leads to a punishment. Locked.
  3. If he gave it to you then he must be willing to give it to you again. You can reach sebas100003 and talk to him about it since it was returned to him among other pokes. Also it's not a loss in case you haven't paid anything for it back then too anyway.
  4. Deal with.
  5. Yeah, It's fine.
  6. Around 9 hours from now (the time I sent this message).
  7. Locked as the auction is finished.
  8. You can sell it to Phuongismylife now already as the time left already passed and there were no new offers.
  9. start at dec 22, 2019 at 6:20 am ---> 800k offer by DeIta (auction for 48 hours) 1) 7:20 am 2) 8:20 am -----------------------------------------------> 1.2m offer by animexas159 at exact 9:14 am 3) 9:20 am 4) 10:20 am 5) 11:20 am 6) 12:20 pm 7) 1:20 pm 8) 2:20 pm -----------------------------------------------> 1.3m offer by Bichdao (in-game) at exact 2:23 pm -----------------------------------------------> 1.4m offer by animexas159 at exact 2:24 pm 9) 3:20 pm 10) 4:20 pm 11) 5:20 pm 12) 6:20 pm 13) 7:20 pm 14) 8:20 pm 15) 9:20 pm 16) 10:20 pm 17) 11:20 pm -----------------------------------------------> 1.5m offer by mythicalgiraffe (in-game) at exact 11:58 pm 18) 12:20 am (23 dec) 19) 1:20 am 20) 2:20 am 21) 3:20 am 22) 4:20 am 23) 5:20 am 24) 6:20 am 25) 7:20 am -----------------------------------------------> 1.6m offer by phuongismyname (in-game) at exact 11:58 am 26) 8:20 am 27) 9:20 am 28) 10:20 am 29) 11:20 am 30) 12:20 pm 31) 1:20 pm 32) 2:20 pm -----------------------------------------------> 1.7m offer by bichdao (in-game) at exact 3:07 pm 33) 3:20 pm 34) 4:20 pm 35) 5:20 pm 36) 6:20 pm -----------------------------------------------> 1.8m offer by animexas159 (in-game) at exact 6:55 pm 37) 7:20 pm 38) 8:20 pm 39) 9:20 pm -----------------------------------------------> 1.9m offer by PhuongIsMyLife at exact 9:53 pm 40) 10:20 pm 41) 11:20 pm 42) 12:20 am (24 dec) 43) 1:20 am 44) 2:20 am 45) 3:20 am 46) 4:20 am 47) 5:20 am 48) 6:20 am The auction is still open with more 9 hours left that start from now and counting instead of continuing from 9:53 pm since declaring a winner might have stopped some people from offering more.
  10. Its fine and it's all good now. Enjoy. Resolved.
  11. Hello, Craigcool99. Indeed the pokemon was traded to AmmiraglioZen instead of Amanpokemontrai so I returned the pokemon back to Aman. Please make sure to take screenshots of your deals especially daycare and trades since it's really crucial and risky business as you can see that could have even lead to a ban if you didn't do that report yourself. So please take care in the future and keep yourself safe. Also thanks for your honesty and caring. Have a good day and Merry Christmas. Tigerous~
  12. Replied you on your report. Please refer to the following link: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/142157-url Locked.
  13. Any updates?
  14. You're welcome. Please make sure to take screenshots of your conversation and trades later on because as you see, everything is needed at a time. Enjoy and have a good day. Resolved.
  15. I returned ferro to you as it was already finished by the user and sent him 100k as the payment. Make sure to check your last box to find it. Have a good day and Merry Christmas in advance. Tigerous~
  16. Normally the time didn't expire yet. Just ask the user to send it back and It will probably be back at least before the 30 days.
  17. How long was the timer set and how many days passed till now?
  18. Hello, Absolution207. The lending trade sometimes send the pokemon back a little time after the timer is set or if the pokemon is clicked to sent back. It will return automatically soon and even if it don't, we got a solution. It's a common case that you don't have to worry about. I'll keep the thread opened in case there are any updates regarding the case if the pokemon returned or not. Tigerous~
  19. Hey, Action08. Can you please tell me from who did you buy this garchomp and how much did you pay for it back then? Because it seems like it was a scammed pokemon from the user sebas100003 a long time ago (do you know this guy as well?).
  20. Hello, Dishantk. Can you provide more details about the deal? What was exactly the deal (evs, lvl up, timing if you decided). Also do you have any evidences about the deal? (you should always save screenshots from now on).
  21. Helped with the transfer and locked since the auction ended.
  22. That's correct. I actually forgot to calculate the difference between Raaah's last offer before auction ending and Amarok7's offer since eyesight betrays on that one I thought it was 6:35 pm while it was at 6:15 pm which exactly means auction gets extended to 6:30 pm and the offer of 3.6m by Amarok7 at exact 6:15 pm is valid while void offers start from 3.7m by Kirames at exact 6:46 pm since its 15 mins late after the extension therefore Amarok7 is the winner. It's honestly great to see rising awareness among the community now compared to before and staff are humans and they around for the players after all so thanks for it.
  23. Please make sure to bump only once each 24 hours.
  24. That's a bit long but lol, winner is Raaah and for whomever cares about the details: The following is according to my timezone: Auction starts at 16 Dec, 2019 at 6:08 pm (extended for 48 hours) ---> 2.1m offer by newsanguine60 1) 7:08 pm ----------------------------------------------> 2.3m offer by Amarok7 at exact 7:43 pm ----------------------------------------------> 2.5m offer by newsanguine60 at exact 7:45 pm ----------------------------------------------> 2.7m offer by Amarok7 at exact 7:47 pm 2) 8:08 pm ----------------------------------------------> 2.8m offer by newsanguine60 at exact 8:38 pm 3) 9:08 pm 4) 10:08 pm 5) 11:08 pm 6) 12:08 am (17th of Dec) 7) 1:08 am 8) 2:08 am 9) 3:08 am 10) 4:08 am 11) 5:08 am 12) 6:08 am 13) 7:08 am 14) 8:08 am 15) 9:08 am 16) 10:08 am 17) 11:08 am 18) 12:08 pm 19) 1:08 pm 20) 2:08 pm 21) 3:08 pm 22) 4:08 pm 23) 5:08 pm 24) 6:08 pm 25) 7:08 pm 26) 8:08 pm 27) 9:08 pm 28) 10:08 pm 29) 11:08 pm 30) 12:08 am (18th of Dec) 31) 1:08 am 32) 2:08 am ----------------------------------------------> 2.9m offer by Kirames at exact 2:37 am 33) 3:08 am ----------------------------------------------> 3m offer by ryan3770 at exact 3:47 am 34) 4:08 am 35) 5:08 am ----------------------------------------------> 3.1m offer by Raaah at exact 5:54 am 36) 6:08 am 37) 7:08 am 38) 8:08 am 39) 9:08 am 40) 10:08 am ----------------------------------------------> 3.2m offer by Kirames at exact 10:45 am 41) 11:08 am 42) 12:08 pm 43) 1:08 pm 44) 2:08 pm ----------------------------------------------> 3.3m offer by Raaah at exact 2:26 pm 45) 3:08 pm ----------------------------------------------> 3.4m offer by Amarok7 at exact 4:02 pm 46) 4:08 pm 47) 5:08 pm ----------------------------------------------> 3.5m offer by Raaah at exact 6:06 pm (2 minutes before timer ends) 48) 6:08 pm (Auction timer ends at 18th of december at exact 6:08 pm) Therefore Raaah wins since it's the last offer before timer ran out. Void offers because they wre offered after the auction timer ran out: 3.6m by Amarok7 at exact 6:15 pm 3.7m by Kirames at exact 6:46 pm 3.8m by Amarok7 at exact 6:53 pm 4m by Kirames at exact 7:01 pm 4.1m by Amarok7 at exact 7:36 pm 4.5m by Kirames at exact 7:48 pm
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