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Everything posted by Tigerous

  1. You're free to change instant price during auction if it's not taken but that means you should have edited your thread to post the 3m as an instant in front of everyone. If that was done then its ok but otherwise then it has to sold for 4m instant that was stated so either trade its winner for 4m or continue its auction from its last BO.
  2. You are free to re-auction weavile or sell it for the previous offer. It's up to you.
  3. You're welcome. Have a good day. Resolved.
  4. He was IP related to you so he probably guessed your password so make sure to change it yeah like I said. You're welcome and I'll keep the thread opened in case anything is needed.
  5. Please make sure to change your password as fast as possible. Then can you tell me around how much did you have before getting 3.5m and did you share your password with anyone? Also do you know anything about the player called TWEEKIO? You fennekin seemed to be sold for 400k for the player Yuup. and I just returned it so make sure to check your last box to find it. Also you can sell/trash the excess item you don't want better me removing them if you think about it. Let me know if anything is needed and make sure to answer the questions.
  6. It's back to you now. Make sure to check your last box to find it. Have a good day. Tigerous~
  7. Enjoy. Resolved.
  8. You released it by mistake and I returned it back to you. Make sure to check your last box to find it. Tigerous~
  9. I helped with the transfer. Congratz for nazmihafiz92. Auction is finished.
  10. You're welcome. You too. Resolved.
  11. Both scizor and dragonite should be back to you. Make sure to check your last box to find them. Tigerous~
  12. You're welcome. Enjoy. Resolved.
  13. So as an update: I reached an admin and I was told that the Pokemon always return automatically, The return time just seems to be bit different like late sometimes. So like I said earlier, I'll stay in touch with you so let me know once they return.
  14. Hello, AngelCherry. There is a bug with lending trade and to solve this I'll reach an admin to get the pokes back from the database. I'll forward it and stay in touch with you.
  15. Can you please tell me more details? Like what pokemon were they?
  16. Please make sure to bump only once each 24 hours if the thread doesn't receive any offers.
  17. Please make sure to attach your proof for every offer you get by posting it around. For example pm silverstar and confirm the 7.5m then post it. This is just to be clear with everyone.
  18. You're welcome. Resolved.
  19. Returned it back to you. Make sure you check your last box to find it. Have a good day. Tigerous~
  20. ###Hashiraam - October 14th 2019, 6:38:04 Given trade objects - Aishel ID: 142 Aerodactyl FORM: 0 Lvl: 100 UID: 9799469 ###Hashiraam - November 5th 2019, 4:35:09 Given trade objects - Aishel ID: 3072 Muk-Alolan FORM: 0 Lvl: 100 UID: 28021200 ###Hashiraam - November 9th 2019, 3:50:11 Given trade objects - Aishel ID: 3063 Ninetales-Alolan FORM: 0 Lvl: 100 (Focus Sash) UID: 27287332 Saw those on your trade logs but then I saw you got those back today too: ###Hashiraam - November 10th 2019, 9:12:19 Received trade objects - Hashiraam ID: 248 Tyranitar FORM: 0 Lvl: 100 UID: 25667523 ID: 3063 Ninetales-Alolan FORM: 0 Lvl: 100 (Focus Sash) UID: 27287332 ID: 3076 Rotom-Wash FORM: 0 Lvl: 100 UID: 25293294 ID: 3072 Muk-Alolan FORM: 0 Lvl: 100 UID: 28021200 ID: 142 Aerodactyl FORM: 0 Lvl: 100 UID: 9799469 Tell me if anything is still needed.
  21. Transferred 2.8m to tufaast and sent the combee to TasyaBerlian9. Auction is done.
  22. Transferred the pokes back to Dilipjat229 and got you 2 leftovers back. Have a good day.
  23. Please note that next time the auctions has to follow the Auction rules as it's well-studied and discussed among the trade mod team as it intends to provide the maximum possible balance between buyers and sellers. The current auction luckily passed fair this time since the 3 offers were given in a row without any violations to any actual rules or this auction's and there was no need to extend the auction for 15 mins according to the rules, yet there could be problems in such way of handling auctions in that thread like if only 2 offers are offered and the 3rd one isn't that means that the auction could extend forever, which isn't a healthy case (in case instant isn't taken either). Also, the seller here actually minimized the maximum benefit he/she could get from the auction by letting only 3 offers being offered (which will be low offers by buyers in this case) instead of trying to seek forward for the highest possible profit based on auction rules. I hope you guys understand.
  24. So I should return the pokes to the owner but getting you leftovers right?
  25. Next times be honest and strict about your auctions and you have to track them well. You can go and appeal. Check your last box to find the pokemon. 250k was taken from you as the payment for winning its auction.
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