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Everything posted by Xylos

  1. Xylos

    bug TM

    Hello ronimax, Im sorry for inconvenience. Unfortunaly we can not refund any item/Pokémon lost because of a server crash, rollback or a disconnect caused by your own internet like in your case. To get a Pokémon with the move Dig you can catch several Pokémon early in the game which can learn the move by a level up such like Sandshrew or Onix but you can also buy the Tm at Celadon´s Mart for 3,500$. I will lock his topic now as its answered. I wish you a good day! Regards Xylos.
  2. Hey 59Poison and welcome to PRO! I moved your question into the General Support area. Whenever you have questions feel free to ask them there after you checked the Issue Guide which is solving the most issues, not in your case but for the future. :) But now, lets answer your questions: Yes, you can find many guides and some videos about the story, events or other usefull things about the game here in the Game Guide sub forum. For all Kanto story related stuff I want to suggest you the ►Complete Kanto Walkthrough!◄ . You can also use the ingame Help chat to ask story related questiones, usually someone will answer them. However, you can find Headbutt in Viridian Maze in form of a Tutor but you have to do a small quest before. Talk to the Teenager infront of the Maze and help him to find his Pokémon. The Viridian Maze is inside of the Viridian Forest and is shown as a big tree with a entrance. A Pokémon with Flash or a Escape Rope could help you there because it´s dark inside and formed like labyrinth. Flash is at Route 2 Stophouse, you need the move Cut to be able to accest the Stophouse or pass through the Digletts cave. You get the Hm from Oak´s Aide when you caught 10 different Pokémon. :Angel: I wish you a great day! Regards Xylos.
  3. Hey BoolKidd, Im sorry for this inconvenience. As PurpleMauth with a very good screenshot mentioned, the NPC tells you that it is not possible to refund the price when you decline but you have the chance to cancle the offer and rethink your decision. As the topic is answered I will lock it now. I wish you a great day! :Grin: Regards Xylos
  4. Hey [mention]luka1886[/mention], Im sorry for this inconvenience. According to your text you need a couple of more requirements. Besides the three seen datas from the legendary dog´s you need the seen data of Ho-oh, Lugia and Celebi as well. You can use this guid as assistance to find those Pokémon. In case you already got this seen datas, please give a reply at this topic for further steps! :Grin: Regards Xylos
  5. Hey [mention]JdiBeltram[/mention] and welcome to PRO! You knowe already the PRO Wiki website, nice! I moved your topic into the General Support aeria. Whenever you have questiones feel free to ask them there after checking the Issue Guide which is solving the most issues. However, lets begin with your questiones! :Crazy: The Pro Wiki Rarity Tier list is mostly updated, only a few spawns aren´t. You can use the Reborn Bot at the official PRO Discord server as well which has mostly updated raritys. Use the "bot channel" to use the Reborn Bot, type "^help" for all commands. There is no specific guide about prices and like hahahaka already mentioned, we have a free market here, the prices are changing continuous [glow=red]but[/glow] there are still some ways to find out the price of a Pokémon based on other players opinions. Ingame you have the chance to ask for rates or price checks in All or Battle chat, link the Pokémon to show the Pokémon to other players. Otherwise you can ask for a price check in forum as well at the Trade Zone. Click on your server and choose the "Rate/Price Check" sub forum. Please read the Trade Rules and Important Information threads before proceeding to the subforums. :Grin: Like GrandWarden already mentioned with a nice example, you have to drag the Pokémon out of the left top bar and drop it in the chat bar. You can also type [poke1-6][ into the chat bar (1-6 according on the team position of your Pokémon). That works for a normal chat as well. Since you are new feel free to intruduce you or say hello at our Meet & Greet sub forum! Since the questiones are answered I will lock this topic now! :) I wish you a great day and much fun in the story of PRO! Regards Xylos
  6. Hello drjekill15, I moved your topic into the General Support forum, whenever you have questions feel free to ask them there after checking the Issue Guide which is solving the most issues! :) The commant to promote a guild member/Initiate is, like GrandWarden already mentioned, "/gpromote". Thank you GrandWarden for the fast answer! Im locking this topic now since it´s answered. I wish you a great day! :Angel: Regards Xylos.
  7. - Moved topic to "Pvp Assistance" -
  8. Hey [mention]Animesh3011[/mention], indeed, your guild mate sent the Pick Axe to a user who never played PRO. Because of that and the high value of this item we decided to refund this mail. The Pick Axe should be in [mention]Krawod[/mention] ´s Mail Box. Please make always sure to write the right user name at your mail and put in the right items, we do not refund every wrong sent mail! Since this issue is solved Im locking this topic. Have a good day! Regards Xylos.
  9. Hey [mention]Sarou[/mention], for the Celebi quest you only need 351 hours or more, just for a legendary dog you need 750 hours or more as a requirement. You are totally fine at this part. Check your Pokédex again and look if you really have more then 121 evolutiones and have every possible seen and caught dex data from Kanto and Johto. When you have no seen data, the Pokémon will be shown only as a shadow. When you can see the Pokémon sprite you have the seen data. The caught data is shown by a Pokéball, a evolution by a star. Also check if you can see Ho-oh at the top of the Bell Tower, fight it again if it is there. After you did this steps try again to get the GS Ball back and let me knowe the result by a reply at this topic. ~Xylos
  10. Hello Vetri and welcome to PRO! :Grin:
  11. Hey AlistaireAlpha, Im sorry for inconvenience. Was there a message under the "Remember Password" font and Login buttom? Depending on the message there are different ways to solve the issue´s. For example when there is a message "The client is outdated" you need to delete the old version of PRO and download the new one here. Regards Xylos
  12. Very nice! Thanks for the update, I have to admid that the legendary dog´s quest is a bit tricky. :devil: Im happy that I was able to help. Since the issue is solved I will lock this topic now. I wish you a great day and good luck for your choosen dog! :Grin: Regards Xylos
  13. Unfortunaly I can´t help you with other possible resolutiones right now. Is it possible for you to post a screenshot from the "package conflict" message at this topic? This would help for further steps. Im sorry for this inconvenience. ~Xylos
  14. Hey [mention]Iris50[/mention], it happened when you was uninstalling the old version? Basicly you have to delete the old PRO-version and all files connected with the PRO App, then you should be able to run the new version. I deleted your e-mail at your post, keep in mind this is a puplic forum and everyone can see it! Regards Xylos.
  15. Hey Fujiro99x, welcome to PRO! :Grin:
  16. Hey Sarou, did you got the three seen datas from the legendary dog´s after Scientist Rey asked you to get them? This may have a impact. If yes, check the spots again. For you as reminder: Entei: Johto Safari Mountain Zone (You'll need Rock Smash to get to him) Suicune: Tohjo Falls (You'll need Waterfall to get to him) Raikou: Mt. Silver 3F. Also you have to get the seen datas from this three mentioned spots, in case you got one of your seen datas not from this spots, go to the according spot and battle the beast there. In case you got all three datas after Scientist Rey asked you and you got all seen datas from the mentioned spots, let me knowe by a reply at this topic. Regards Xylos
  17. Hello [mention]KyleHilary[/mention], [mention]Blcklstfrozen[/mention], [mention]Kaminokage[/mention] and [mention]BioDemon[/mention], Im sorry for inconvenience. The bug is known and should be fixed already, like drakun399 already mentioned: Like in the quote mentioned it is not possible to give back your streak but the progress for a other, more special reward, is not disturbed by this issue. I wish you a good day and some nice rewards! :Grin: Since the question is answered I will lock this topic now. Regards Xylos
  18. Hello Joesy, Im sorry for this inconvenience. Like GrandWarden mentioned you have to wait the full cooldown time. Unfortunaly it is not possible to reset the cooldown time of any boss. For future question´s make sure to read the Issue Guide which is solving the most common issues. Im very sorry for your situation but there is truly nothing we can do in your case. Thanks to GrandWarden for the fast answer. I will lock the topic now as its answered. I still wish you a great day! Regards Xylos.
  19. Nice that your problem is solved! :Grin: Have a great day and I wish you good luck for catching Mew, don´t forget your sync! :Crazy: I will lock this topic now as it´s solved. [glow=green]Locked as solved.[/glow] :y:
  20. Hey Jabba, I see that your question is answered, nice! I still moved your topic into the General Support section as it was a story related question. When you have other questions feel free to ask them at this aeria. Before you create a General Support topic you should check the Issue Guide which is solving the most common issues, not in your case but for the future! :) I will close this topic now as its answered, have a nice day! :Crazy: And thank´s to all players who answered the question! [glow=green]Locked as answered.[/glow] :y:
  21. Hey Mahavaillo, you talked already with Prof. Oak with your current progress? Because talking to Prof. Oak with your full dex is a requirement for the Old Sea Map as well.
  22. Nice that your question is answered! :Grin: I will lock this topic now as the answer is given. [glow=green]Locked as answered.[/glow] :y:
  23. [glow=green]Locked as solved.[/glow] :y:
  24. Hello wiwid007, Im sorry for this inconvenience. When you have a disconnect in any way while you are in a boss fight, the boss fight will be canceled and counted as lose which means you are losing your previous win´s against the boss and the cooldown time from the boss is counting. A disconnect can have different reasons, the most common ones are a server crash or a disconnect caused by the players internet connection. Unfourtunaly sever crashes can happen sometimes, nothing can be done in this case. In case the server shut down is planned you won´t be able to login and receive a server message which informs you combined with 10 minutes time to logout when you are logged in at this time. In case you have frequently disconnects caused by your system you can try to fix it with this steps. But as both users in previous post´s mentioned it is possible to battle the boss again, you just have to wait until the cooldown time is over. You can check the cooldown time by talking with the respective boss or by talking to the Boss Cooldown Checker at Celadon Office 2F, Goldenrod City House 1, Slateport City House 1 or Canalave House 1. Thanks to PurpleMauth and GrandWarden for the fast answers! :Grin: I will lock this topic now as it is answerd. I wish you a great day! Regards Xylos.
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