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Everything posted by Madtrainer

  1. There is no more travel fee for my lending service. This shop is now completely free! Enjoy! =D
  2. Well, I dont have one favourite but some. I would say that I really appreciate Hydreigon. =D Timid, 252 Speed, 252 Special Attack with Choice Scarf. =P I usually run Draco Meteor, Dark Pulse, Flametrower, Earth Power/U-turn =D
  3. Nice, I'm happy for you. Good game! =D
  4. I believe this is not a bad idea, but I disagree. First of all, the main objective to this game is not to make money. Coin shop is only there to help paying some Server and ''stuff'' fee. If we can play this game actually, this means that there is enough money to pay the ''stuff''. Also, I think there is already enough advantage for the MS users. It can look weird, but i heard many players telling that this game is a Pay to Win. Adding more advantage will only make more players complaining. There is also the ''economy'' problem. I'm not a fan of the economy idea. I feel like many rich people only want to stay rich. (I can be wrong) Still most people telling this argument say the true. Econmy is one of the great thing in this game and it's a good idea to preserve it. Even if I dont know all what could happens, its not that hard to see some price getting lower or higher cos of a single change. I think this is all I noticed for now. So for me it's a no. -1 Still thanks for sharing your idea, and have fun in the game!! =D Good day! =P
  5. Then if you really looked the guide, there is nothing more I can do. This could also be a bug. Better to wait for a Coordinator to help you. =D Good day!
  6. If i remember correctly, right after talking Jenson, you have to go to the Ballroom and find Blissey. Also, before talking to Jenson, make sur you talked to the Doctor in kitchen. Here's a guide to help for the Kanto Storyline: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?threads/►complete-kanto-walkthrough-◄.41701/
  7. I'm actually in the same guild as Viviotic. I'm not a moderator, and I'm not an officer, but I still would like to help you. You posted your thread in the wrong place. Nobody gonna answer you here. ;P If you want to apply on guild, just post here: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/98235-url/?do=findComment&comment=677320
  8. In-Game Name: Madtrainer Discord Tag: Madtrainer#8526 Server: Silver How often do you use Discord? Sometimes, I usually go in when server crash to see how people react. =P These days, I try to go in more often. =D What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord? We need a UWU Emoji. =D More seriously, it look good and I have dont have good idea right now. =D
  9. Madtrainer

    PVP Council

    Since the thread is open again, and Mega are being coded, i would like to says that this is one of the best idea I've seen in this forum. This is indeed not perfect, but still a pretty good idea. As someone mentionnned Genesect earlier in the thread, I also remember being swept a few time by Blaziken Speed Boost. I've also been trapped a few time by Shadow Tag Gothitelle. I still cant believe that people needed to make a forum post to get those things banned. Will the same thing happens with the incoming Mega, cos honestly, I dont think we need to make a thread to ban Salamence Mega. ;) A council of good PVP players with enough experience and knowledge could help avoid some of these things imo. I like the Staff team, they're mostly gentle and do a lot for this game. But being a Staff Member dosent give you all the knowledge needed to take some important ban decision. I've heard much people, Staff or not, telling that we follow Gen7 6V6 OU, and that Ubers are banned. Why should we keep the same ban list as Showdown if our meta is different? Some Pokemon must be quick ban indeed, such as some incoming mega, but some other Pokemon, such as CONKELDUR deserve a serious action ban or not. Also, Mawille Mega wich is coming could need some attention depending of the new meta and the missing Legendary & Gen7 Pokemon. A council made of Good PVP players could help to take wise decision on that matter. I've read stuff about people talking of economy. I prefer to have a funny and competitive PVP than have a good economy. Money come and go. Also, having a PVP council dosent mean that Pokemon are going to be banned every month. This is mainly to avoid some abuse and make the PVP a better place. I also read stuff about personal interest. I'm not scared about it. Even if possible, this problem could be solved simply by adding a few more players to the council, five does not seem much. Also I would like to take my exemple. There was a thread on Conkeldurr wich I didnt participate cos I was buzy at that time. Still I think that Conkeldurr deserve a ban at 70-75%. And I'm not crying like a kid that can handle a Conkeldurr. I use it, and I know it's broken. I think that there is honest player that are able to be rational and do what is needed, even if they like or use the Pokemon. So, as said previously, I think this council should have more than 5 players on it. Could be good PVP players with constant rating. Constant rating means knowledge about meta imo. More players also means differents opinions, more talk and then better decision. There could be a democratic system in the group itself, but I'm too lazy too think and talk about it. =P If a council was made, it could be a good idea to have a place/room on offical PRO discord where those council members could talk about important things ect. Could be also accessible to Staff, or not. Maybe it's not needed, just sharing the idea. I hope both of staff and player will work together to make this council and preserve a heathly Meta. Thanks for your attention. =D Good day have fun!
  10. Before to start this, I would like to say that this is my final opinion, and it won't change anymore. In the first page, I said that i was not sure about if we needed such a rule or not, but now I know. I'll share with your some arguments, wich can be good or not. I'll start with my main fear I have, cos I believe it's important for everybody playing this game. This fear is about some new PVP players that could be punished cos of their ignorance in PVP. To better explain, I'll show you an exemple of what could happens with such a rule in a specific case. You have 2 Pokemon left against a simple Gastrodon. You have Kingdra (Yikes) and a Breloom (UWU). Actually, this is Kingdra against Gastrodon, and you dont have Draco Meteor. The best move you have to hit Gastrodon is Ice Beam. Still you dont want to swich to Breloom cos you dont want to be burn by a possible Scald. The guy in front of you is Nub, he just started and his Gastodon is Relaxed (Max HP, max Def). He overrate his Bulky Gastrodon and think that he can tank anything from Breloom. So he spam recover on your Kingdra Ice Beam and spam and spam. It's a bit annoying, you have win, but this dude spam. It look like he dont know his type table. You might think that he's ''Turn'' stalling. But the true is that he is indeed very new and very bad. Still what could happens if you report him? Will he take a ban simply cos he's completely new? It would be sad to punish a new player for 5-10 minutes of pure mistakes. I want to precise that this is an ''EXAMPLE''. It is not perfect and actually, rare are the players, even new, that would think like the one in the example. Next argument is not perfect too, but it's mine. =P First of all, I'm not the greatest PVP player, still I know the Meta and a few things. I also watched a lot of Pokemon videos those last 2 years. The problem that Belzebel show us happens EVEN ON SHOWDOWN. Still this is very rare, and I think the problem is not ''present'' enough to legitimize a rule on it. Rules are usually created for serious matter. (You cheat and you boost your rating, you're banned). I must admit that I was even suprised to see this rule being taken into consideration. The idea is not bad, still I would prefer some stuff to be done than adding this rule. (Mega are coming, it could be a great idea to prepare a ''standard'' ban list for some of them) ;) Since some people could be unfairly sanctionned, and since this is a minor problem for me, i think we dont need a rule for that. There must be more important problems to handle. I'm not the one who will take the decision, still this is my opinion. Good game to all! =D
  11. Sadly, they are not gonna change that. But happily there is some Pokemon that DESTROY the Stall. You should try some. Magnezone could be an option against this team. You trap skarmory. No more defog, then you spam Stealth Rock and Spikes. Some Pokemon such as Reckless Staraptor dosent care about most of defensive Pokemon. I'm too lazy too calc, but he might 2 shot most of these, even with a Jolly Nature. Blissey is easy with some prediction and double switch. I think this team is beatable, but some team simply cannot win against stall. ;)
  12. Argh this is a true Stall team. I can beat some Mid-Stall sometimes, but idk if my actual team can hadle a full stall team with two Unaware mon. I know it's annoying, i also dont know why some poeple plays this game style. Maybe some players love it who knows. Sadly for you, full Stall team are not banned in PRO, as far as I know. What you can do is change your team a bit. Also when you see such a team, try to break some wall and weakens others mons. If you see that you cant kill a specific Pokemon anymore, you can leave the match. Good day and hopefully your next game wont be a Stall game. =D
  13. Honnêtement, je ne sais pas trop quoi répondre a ton post. Les règles pourraient être traduite en français, oui. Mais en cas d'ajout de nouvelles règles, ça ajouterai également du travail au membres du Staff qui, je tiens à le préciser, travaillent gratuitement. Je crois que je vais simplement te simplifier les règles en espérant aider. Les règles ressemblent beaucoup aux règles Smogon gen7OU6v6. -Ne pas utiliser les moves, items et talents qui sont pas ou mal codés. (Pour ça, faut regarder la liste) -Ne pas utiliser de Pokemon ''Ubers'' ou avec 601 et + de Base Stat. Exemple: Genesect (Uber+601 Base Stat) ou Blaziken Speed Boost (Uber à cause de Speed Boost). -Perdre de temps inutilement est banni. Prendre 1 minute pour réfléchir a chaque play, c'est chiant et banni. -Mettre un status sur son Pokemon avant le match PVP, exemple brulure, c'est interdit. Ça semble con, mais la raison est logique. Je ne vais pas expliquer la raison ici. -Booster le rating est interdit. Exemple, avoir 2 comptes et ce battre contre soi même pour augmenter son rating. -Arena Trap et Shadow Tag sont des talents bannis du PVP. -Tu peux utiliser que deux compte en PVP, mais seulement 1 peut être dans le top 25. (Sinon c'est Injuste pour les autres) - Obliger quelqu'un à ce déconnecter dans un match PVP c'est interdit. (Que ce soit en le payant ou en le menacant) -Clefable avec le talent Unaware ne peux pas utiliser le move Soft-Boiled. C'est interdit, tu veux softboiled, prend le talent Magic Guard. -Une seule forme de Rotom autorisée par équipe. Il y a certaines close à ne pas oublier: -Pas de move qui 0hk0. Exemple: Fissure ou Horn Drill -Tu peux pas avoir deux fois le même Pokemon dans ton équipe. (Adieu l'équipe parfaite avec 6 Magikarps) -Tu peux endormir qu'un seul Pokemon à la fois. -Baton Pass: Tu peux pas passer de la SPEED + AUTRE chose en même temps. -Les moves d’évasion et de précision sont interdit. Exemple Flash ou Liliput -Le move Swagger est banni. Compliquer d'expliquer pourquoi mais bon. Ensuite viens la liste des moves, ability et objets bannis. (Pas codé, buggé, mal codé ect) Je ne les écrirais pas, ca fait deja longtemps que j'écris. Désolé pour les fautes d'orthographes. J'espere avoir clarifier les choses, peut-être que ce post va aider d'autres personnes dans la même situation que toi. Je termine avec un lien vers les règles en PVP: https://www.pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/31283-url
  14. No, I dont have further question. Thanks for the answer! ;-) Good Day!
  15. I ask here cos I asked in Discord but nobody answered. Look like nobody knows. =( So I tried to teach Extreme Speed to Genesect via the tutor in Ruin of Alp, but it dosent work. Is there another way to teach it this move, or this move is simply not available for Genesect actually? Thanks! =D
  16. Erm, an easy way to know where some Pokemon are is to join the official PRO Discord. Then you go in #bot-commands room and type ^s larvitar. Here's a link to this Discord: https://discord.gg/98pMNxq It would be a good idea to do this in future. Also note that the Reborn Bot wich I am talking about is currently not working. I will answer to your question since I'm here. -Larvitar can be obtained in Mt. Silver. You'll be able to acces this place after beating Johto. I dont remember the exact place in Mt. Silver though. -Gible best spot is on Moon, Hoenn imo You can also find it in Sinnoh, dont remember the name of the place. -I sadly dont remember litwick best spawn, but i think you can find it underground of Lavander tower. You'll need ms for that iirc. -Riolu can be found in a few place such as Sinnoh. Dont know the exact places as well. -And it's the same for Beldum, idk sadly. Still I hope i helped you enough. As you can see you cant get most of there Pokemon during Kanto story line. Cya and good luck in your journey. =D
  17. I dont like the exemple. Gastrodon can be sassy and then, i would also put a couple of calm mind in order to be to one shot it. Some players will recover with gastrodon, even if they're loosing. But indeed, i agree that it happens that sometimes we find an annoying opponent in PVP. Such as people who uses Recover even if they already have lost (1 VS 4-5-6, or simply lost to a specific Pokemon). But I dont know if we need a specific rule for that. Maybe yes, maybe not. Still if it happens, I would like the Staff members to have a VERY good judgment on report. Difference between a new PVP player and a time/turn staller can be tiny in some case. Good luck with your thread.
  18. A good Hidden Power Fire Magnemite is not the most easier Pokemon to find. This Pokemon have been price checked 2 times to 1M. I already lowered it to 600K, wich is particularly honest imo. I wont lower it any much, and if nobody buy it here, somebody will buy it In Game. Also, this is not a place to complain or to share opinion, this is an AUCTION. If you're not happy, feel free to take your sync and hunt one by yourself. =) Good day! =P
  19. Bump!! I reduced the Starting Price to 600K. I also lowered the Auction duration to 48 hours. =D
  20. For tier knowledge, you can join the PRO Official Discord and go into #bot-commands and type ^s spearow for exemple. Here a link to the PRO Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/98pMNxq. Also, many Guild have discord with Reborn Bot on wich you can use that command. For the Price Check, you can alwais ask on this Discord in #trades-and-prices. You can also ask in Game in All Chat. There is also the Amigo discord server wich is dedicated for Price Check. Here'S the Amigo Discord Link: https://discord.gg/AKgjPUU It's alwais better to have many price check. =P Still, I wont change mine. ;) Good luck!
  21. The first thing anyone need to know about PRO Shinys is that some Pokemon are rarer then others. Tier 8 and 9, or even Pokemon uncatchable in the wild can worth more than 10 millions. But sadly, tier 1 Shiny such as your Spearow worth ''Almost'' nothing. I would say it worth around 10k-50k imo. Idk if this is a lot for you, still I hope I helped with my answer. My price check is not precise cos it mostly depend of the buyer. Good day and have fun!! =D
  22. HAVE BEEN CANCELED DUE TO NO OFFER. Welcome here! Today I'm auctionning this Almost Epic Magnemite. As you can see, it have Hidden Power Fire, wich is mandatory on it. Without Scarf, it have enough speed to outspeed every Adamant Scizor with any Speed Investment. Good Luck! Rules 1. I accept Pokedollar, Coin Capsule and Reroll Ticket. Coin Capsule = 300K Reroll Nature = 300K Reroll Ticket = 600K 2. No fake offer. 3. You cannot cancel your offer. 4. The auction will last 48 hours after the first bid (Starting price). Starting price: 600K Minimum bid: 50K Insta price: 1M
  23. Is that an auction place, or you're just selling them insta?
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