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Everything posted by Fliflo

  1. Oh yes, my bad, for some reason , I though the quest happened in sinnoh. >< Thanks a lot
  2. Hello, I lost aginst pluton during the sinnoh acces quest, and since my last pokecenter visited was vermilion, I got tp-ed back there. Now, th NPC that starts the quest (Paul in lilycove) is nowhere to e found. So I'm stuk.
  3. I can only Agree! :Heart:
  4. Hey I participate :) I don't have the swich yet so I thaught : why not give it a go ^^ I mainly want the swich to wedge one of my table legs! I hope to win :Smile:
  5. :Smile: Thanks :)
  6. Yep :Smile: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=19536
  7. Hey, welcome back ^^ There are a few new things here and there ^^ Ps: I do recognise you :p
  8. :Angel: Beeeeeeeeh
  9. Thanks :Smile:
  10. Hey cobra ! Welcome to the forums! Bienvenu :p
  11. I think just a pm should do ^^: If it's a bot, it won't awser
  12. Any pokemon?... hummmm.... I'd pick Togepi, shaymin and mareep :Heart-eyes: But then... only one.... hummmm... Ok : Shaymin :Heart:
  13. Thanks ! :Smile:
  14. Yup I made them all ^^ Thanks :Smile:
  15. Theses are SO amazing :Shocked: You are very skilled and talented ! :Smile:
  16. That screenshot just perfectly sums up the issue :Smile: Oh and good luck ! have fun away from pro :y:
  17. Thanks :Shy:
  18. Ok thanks! I will :Smile: EDIT: I tested it without my mount and the issue is still there :Smile:
  19. Here is a little tree issue Sorry to bother you with it :Cry: EDIT : Here it is without mount :Angel:
  20. This is us [glow=blue]Guild Name: Splash Guild Leader: pikagirl06450 , Narukami , Lnear Thread :Splash Server:[/glow][glow=red]Red[/glow] Also just to precise we are a french guild
  21. Good luck to you all ^^ Can't wait to see you all in game! :Smile:
  22. PROlight for the win :Angel:
  23. Bump :Angry:
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