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Everything posted by Fliflo

  1. Hey there ^^ welcome :Shy:
  2. Woa... Thoses maps are realy good :Heart-eyes: I [glow=pink]love[/glow] the first one and the caves are realy good too (and I agree.. caves are harder to make) Great job overall : keep it up ^^
  3. Re: My maps ^^ [New Map n°23] <r>Bump <E>:Heart:</E></r>
  4. In theory you can create as many layers as you want but you should limit yourself to only using four because It maxes your file a lot clearer and it's the right way to do it. Generally you should avoid turning tiles because it messes up a lot With the PRO basic tileset there is no way to make this right so you should avoid doing those kind of structures. When doing mountains, you should try to keep it "closed" (I know it's not very clear but I can't find a better word)
  5. It's not perfect but it isn't that bad :Smile: You have room to improve. The major thing that you need to work on are the edges For the sand color you should use directly the "wet" one instead of the "dry"
  6. Bump :Heart: :Smile:
  7. That would be awsome :Heart-eyes:
  8. Thoses are realy nice ^^
  9. Re: My maps ^^ [New Map n°23] <r><QUOTE author="porsef"><s> </e></QUOTE> Thanks <E>:Smile:</E> That's realy kind</r>
  10. Looks Great :Exclam: Can't wait to use this new interface (this does not mean that I plan to be baned in the near future :Crazy: )
  11. This does not sounds too game-breaking :Smile: So I realy like it :y: +1
  12. Hey welcome to PRO ! Bienvenue , ami francophone :Smile:
  13. It looks realy nice ^^ Here is a little shadow issue Also you don't seam to be using the layers a lot :/ ( what I mean is that your trees don't overlap :Cry: ) But otherwhise it's cool :Smile: I reay hope to see more of your work ^^
  14. Re: My maps ^^ [New Map n°23] <r><QUOTE author="Honeyman"><s> </e></QUOTE> Well first thanks <E>:Smile:</E> and yes I have applied^^</r>
  15. I must agree ^^ I love sinoh too But first they should make sure hoenn is perfect and flawless, because right now it is awesome and great.... but just not perfect..... yet :Smile:
  16. Re: My maps ^^ [New Map n°23] <r><QUOTE author="Charismo"><s> </e></QUOTE> That is very kind <E>:Smile:</E> <br/> Thanks a lot <E>:Angel:</E> <br/> I <U><s></s>will<e></e></U> try my best ^^</r>
  17. Custom regions are a very cool thing but It's important to keep in mind that it takes a lot of work to produce one ....and so we may not see one for a good while :/
  18. Re: My maps ^^ [New Map n°23] <r>Added a new sinoh map : jubilife city ^^ <br/> <E>:Smile:</E></r>
  19. Huge welcome ^^ :Angel:
  20. Needless to say : BEAUTIFULL :Smile: Lanturn Powa :devil:
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