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Everything posted by Redwithorange

  1. still up? need service for 2 pokes
  2. epic careful ha gliscor 2m budget
  3. Wtb Careful ha 20+ ivs spatk doesnt matter gliscor or evos
  4. i need 67 evo datas and im looking for someone to lend me pokes that is 1 level away from evolution. if there are 2 forms of evo ex. charmander, i should only need to level it up or use 2 rc to get its 2 evo datas.. Discord ID= RedwithOrange#3314
  5. start
  6. hi is it 24hrs already?
  7. Hello can you pm me in discord RedWithOrange#3314 along with the pictures of the pokes
  8. Want to Sell or Trade. Pm offers in discord: RedWithOrange#3314. I have no price in mind yet so just offer. Also Looking for shiny breloom/evos, S kazam/evos ada sync.
  9. wtb s breloom or evos and s alakazam ada sync or evos. msg me in discord RedWithOrange#3314 with picture and price
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