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Everything posted by Redwithorange

  1. 350
  2. i want to trade my jolly scolipede for adamant . im willing to add some money if needed.
  3. i just fought a reward poke (beldum) from a boss but it keeps using take down and i used almost 80+ ultra balls. please remove that cursed move to all wild/reward pokes or if that is not possible then maybe apply to them the use of pp as i've used 80+ balls but it still keeps using take down. IIRC take down was removed on some pokes but im thinking why not just remove it on every catchable pokes :p
  4. ok let me know when you're online in game or if u have discord
  5. lowered some prices on shinies and some on pvp offense
  6. Just taking offers.
  7. i still have it
  8. New Section added. 2 more pokes added under untrained (other) .
  9. added more pokes on untrained meditite, and others ( more gligars), trained: tank section.. i also updated some price
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