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Everything posted by Redwithorange

  1. added pokes under untrained (happiny, meditite, others, ferroseed). price update on some pokes
  2. I just have one question, what if the borrower accidentally evolved the poke or replaced some moves. will it get back to its previous state when returned to the owner
  3. hi about the elm boss, i wiped his team with conkel setup on corsola since it just spam mirror coat
  4. hi i cant pm u in game. do u have discord so we can talk about it there?
  5. I want to buy epic careful ha gligar with 25+ on def, hp, spdef and 20+ on speed and atk. Pls pm me on discord your price and picture. Heres my discord id: RedWithOrange#3314
  6. 1.Search Button= i think it wouldn't be a game breaking problem if we let players navigate through the map easily by adding some kind of search thing in map. this is to help players who's asking "where is 'blah blah'?" for example when we're looking for spear pillar, it would show the exact place of it and we can just check for the nearest city on it. 2.Headbutt/dig sites button= as the suggestion about locating headbutt/dig sites in the MAP itself i suggest to put this button but it will only display the routes or the location of the sites and have nothing to do with map. 3. Mega Evolutions= Giving players who have enough hours of playtime the chance to get mega stones wouldnt be a big problem since i think the main reason why were not implementing it yet is because of pvp. It may sound unfair to players who plays pvp but doesn't have enough time but it would motivate more players to be more active (we could give one mega stone per players per month who rich a certain amount of rating or available in pvp shops) . 4. Guild Island= i havent seen this suggestion in Denied or Possible suggestions to get implemented so i just want to bump this as i like the idea of having an area that is exclusive only for a guild. 5.new channel= A dedicated channel just for pvp that displays every information during the battle like items used, time stamps, moves used, etc. 6. locked pokemons= this suggestion applies for players who doesn't finish the story. right now they cant take pokemons from other region (beaten or unexplored regions) until they beat the 8th gym of the current region they are in. i suggest we let them take Pokemon from all region but put it in a locked section of the box. -how ate they going to sell it if they want to? well i think about adding additional poke slot that can be turned on and off ofc dedicated for locked pokemons. basically if they want to put it in their slot to sell it or show it in chat they can but this slot wont or will never be used in any battle. 7. merge?= i noticed that everytime im online on daytimes there are only around 1k players online on silver and i have no idea why dont u just merge the 2 servers? there are 3 servers before and u merge red and blue to avoid crash and maybe make the servers more stable so why not just have a single server. 8. bosses= waiting for atleast 12 days just to fight a boss and an unexpected crash during the fight is super annoying.. i suggest having or giving a player a personal rollback (only affects players who proved that they are battling the boss during the time of crash).
  7. hi in encoutered rotom in haunted site too. cant remember if its from common or shiny rocks tho
  8. i possible please pm me on discord to let me know someones taking this. RedWithOrange#3314
  9. Pokemon: Gligar Nature/abi: Careful ha Required ivs: 25+ Def, spdef, Hp. 20+ atk spd. Acceptable Ivs:N/a Payment: can go for 1m+ if i like it
  10. would be easier if you're going to post the pic since were not just lookinf at nature but for ivs and abi too
  11. hi houston hi houstonbeers :p sorry just opened the shop again. about bre its still available. if you can pm me in discord it would be cool but if not just to let you know its currently 7pm on me. i can login from 7-10pm everyday
  12. giving like 10% more exp and additional 5-10% bms effect when bms activated thru item for those players in the top 3 guilds who reached 200+ rating on the end of the season. some pvp coin would be cool too for players who reached a certain amount of rating on the end of the season as a reward for helping that guild to reach top 3
  13. PVP/Story Renting Services [spoiler=Rules] 1. items arent included 2. pay full first before trade EDIT: For e4/Story=10k (1 day maximum) PVP=10k (3 days maximum) [spoiler=Pokes for Rent] hp fire Daycare Services I can only accept level up services for now because I only have one whole day of free time -I have no Prices for it yet so Im asking you to send me the screenshot of the Pokemon you want to get day-cared along with the price you are willing to pay. [spoiler=Transaction Record] [spoiler=Transaction Record]
  14. Update: New Pokes added under pvp(offense), Untrained Others and new sections added in Untrained area. Added Flame Orb and Toxic Orb in items.
  15. Update log: New pokes added under pvp(offense), untrained (others)
  16. gonna rate this service as 5/5. the hunters are good and friendly so i really recommend trying their service. thanks a lot for the pokes <3
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