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Everything posted by Redwithorange

  1. Pokemon : vinepede ------ Nature:jolly ------- Ability: speed boost -------- Ivs: 28+ spd and atk. 20+ others. (spatk doesnt matter) -------- Acceptable ivs: 20+ spd,atk // 15+ others ---------- Money offer: around 800. can go more if its really good. --------- minimim ivs: around 300k
  2. 5/5 rating. its my 1st hunting request and im not disappointed. i recommend trying this fast and reliable service
  3. Pokemon : Vullaby ------ Nature: Careful ------- Ability: Overcoat -------- Ivs: 25+ Spdef, Hp and Defense,20+ Atk, Spd. Spatk doesnt matter -------- Acceptable ivs: 20+ def, hp, spdef. 15+ def, spd ---------- Money offer: around 700. can go more if its really good --------- minimim ivs: around 300k
  4. Pokemon : Skarmory ------ Nature: Impish ------- Ability: Sturdy -------- Ivs: 25+ Spdef, Hp and Defense,20+ Atk, Spd. Spatk doesnt matter -------- Acceptable ivs: 20+ def, hp, spdef. 15+ def, spd ---------- Money offer: around 700. can go more if its really good --------- minimim ivs: around 300k
  5. Update Log: New pokes added under pvp(offense/defense), Untrained(others,riolu group), New group added (budew)
  6. 350k start by trainery***
  7. Cancelled by Redwithorange. Reason: no time to visit forums or post update ingame and in forums.
  8. new section added under untrained (nidoran M, tyrogue). New pokes added under untrained section (Nidoran M, Tyrogue and others).
  9. hi about the boss spectify, espeon and umbreon now dont use giga drain (based on my experience). espeon=confusion and umbren=psychic against azumarill
  10. Update Log: new pokes added under pvp (offense), untrained (riolu, others) and price update on some pokemons.
  11. update log: New pokes added under pvp(offense) (defense), and untrained (riolu). Wishlist, daycare, dex, and rents services are removed to follow trade forum rules and regulations.
  12. pm me on discord if u have one of those and willing to trade. redwithorange#3314 is my discord. feel free to visit my personal shop too :)
  13. im trading my s rapidash mount and dragon set for s charizard mount and vampire clothes and headgear.
  14. new pokes added under pvp (offense, defense( and economy (others)
  15. new pokes added under pvp (offense, defense), economy(others)
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