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Everything posted by Redwithorange

  1. yea only hasty. still not that bad tho since it will most likely faint vs eq
  2. Small update. sold some pokes and added pvp garchomp under pvp offense and clone charizard
  3. hi can we do some improvements in searching for pokes in pc? what im thinking right now is making it just like searching poke name in pokedex where it will display all pokemons that has the same starting letter. for example if i type a, it will display alakazam, amoongus, etc... or if that 1st request is bad or not going to work, just make all rotom forms show when i type rotom in the search bar and not just the rotom base form
  4. Hi nik. Idk if its just me but i cant see any pic here
  5. I'm open for trades or offers cc=300k rc=5k 2m insta 2m insta 1m insta
  6. you won the auction. pm me ur discord id pls
  7. C.o 500k by Morphilling1 minimum raise=100k Insta=1m END: 4 DAYS (NOVEMBER 24) Prices: cc=300k RULES: 1. The bidder can't pull out his/her bid or will be reported as fake buyer; I myself cant cancel this auction 2. Bid will end in 4 days from the starting offer. 3. I accept offers
  8. add some pokes in pvp offense and some shinies in rare/lvl 100
  9. Start offer=800k Insta=1.2m Items accepted: cc=300k reroll=600 Rules: 1. auction will last for 5 days after the 1st bid has been set. 2. No one can cancel his/her bid including me. If cancelled, it will be classified as fake offer and will be reported. =============================== Start offer=600k Insta=1m Items accepted: cc=300k reroll=600 Rules: 1. auction will last for 5 days after the 1st bid has been set. 2. No one can cancel his/her offer including me. If cancelled, it will be classified as fake offer and will be reported. =============================== Start offer=300k Insta=800k Items accepted: cc=300k reroll=600 Rules: 1. auction will last for 5 days after the 1st bid has been set. 2. No one can cancel his/her offer including me. If cancelled, it will be classified as fake offer and will be reported. =============================== Start offer=300k Insta=600k Items accepted: cc=300k reroll=600 Rules: 1. auction will last for 5 days after the 1st bid has been set. 2. No one can cancel his/her offer including me. If cancelled, it will be classified as fake offer and will be reported. =============================== Start offer=200k Insta=NA Items accepted: cc=300k reroll=600 Rules: 1. auction will last for 5 days after the 1st bid has been set. 2. No one can cancel his/her offer including me. If cancelled, it will be classified as fake offer and will be reported. =============================== Start offer=500k Insta=Na Items accepted: cc=300k reroll=600 Rules: 1. auction will last for 5 days after the 1st bid has been set. 2. No one can cancel his/her offer including me. If cancelled, it will be classified as fake offer and will be reported.
  10. I want to sell or trade these pokes. i have no price in mind yet so just send me ur offers. ty
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