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Everything posted by Traineryash

  1. Hi, I can provide just tell me the Pokemon names or their dex numbers.
  2. Hi, I have No Problem. Just PM me in Discord #legendyash9389
  3. Yea I will support it. It would be great.
  4. I have PM you on website. Please see and reply me ASAP
  5. Hi, I will buy Rotom. Tell me ur Discord ID or PM me here
  6. Hi I have sawn the Names of Pokemons just PM me your Playtime Thank you
  7. Ok PM me which Pokemon and what Egg Move should be taught.
  8. Hi Everyone, I am providing all types of Services as Cheap as I can so have a look at what Services I provide. [spoiler=Some Basic Information] Rules 1. Payment should be done after my work is over. 2. Fake Offers will be Reported. How to Contact 1. You can Contact me in game - Traineryash 2. Contact me in Discord - legendyash#9389 3. You can also contact me by Commenting/Leaving a Post here :SquirtleSquad:So here as the Services:SquirtleSquad: Dex Service Dex Service for EACH Pokemon will be 1k If you purchased 4 Pokemon then you get 1 FREE EV Training 126 EVs - 10,000 (10k) 252 EVs - 20,000 (20k) 510 EVs - 40,000 (40k) Leveling Level 1-60 Pokemon -- $400 per Level Level 61-80 Pokemon -- $800 per Level Level 80-90 Pokemon -- $1000 per Level Level 91-95 Pokemon -- $1200 per Level Level 95-100 Pokemon -- $3000 per Level For the Pokemon that have evolved at 2nd Stage costs x1.2 For Those Pokemon that evolved max costs x 1.5 Leveling Service for ALL Pokemon except TANK are now - OPEN Leveling Service for TANK Pokemons are now - CLOSED Move Tutor Service Egg Move - 15,000 + 3k Pre Evolution Move - 10,000 + 3k Rattata Service For Hoenn Leveling Rattata - 15k Thats All I am providing now but if you want any Extra Services then you can Contact me Thanks for Visiting my Service Shop
  9. Hi Team, This is my following team for PVP Tournament. The Following things from my team will be changed - The Level of my Larvesta is 80. It will soon be 100. And I will use its evolved Version in PVP. The Moveset of Larvesta, Krookodile and Garchomp could be changed The EVs of Tyranitar and Gyarados could be changed (not sure) I won't be using my other PVPs. My Timezone is +5 GMT. From India. So these are my PVP Pokes My Trainer Card Thank You Traineryash
  10. Hi Everyone, Till how long will Easter Event Togepi will be available?
  11. Hi, I suggest you to catch a Gyarados because it has a good Dark Attack - Crunch which will help you for Defeating Sabrina. And after Sabrina you may also find it useful for Gym Leader Blaine and Kanto Elite 4 and many more Places. Hope this helped you, and Good Luck :CharYay
  12. I have Completed the Quest for GS Ball(found and gave GS Ball to scientist Alexander). I am Johto Champion and talked to Scientist Rey in Ecurteak City. He said to get the records of those Legendary Dogs. I went in Bell Tower and saw them but they Vanished. Scientist Rey told to search them in Johto but I cant find them. I searched the following Locations : Suicune - Tojho Falls Raikou - Mt Silver Entei - Johto Safari Mountain Zone Please Help Me.
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