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Everything posted by Olker

  1. Player Name: ZetLocrito95 Showdown Name: Locrito1995 Server: Gold Rank on ladder: 23
  2. Wut
  3. It is nice indeed. I'll PM you if I don't manage get any better, thanks for posting.
  4. Start dragonite adamant 25 speed.
  5. As long as stats are decent, doesn't really matter. Post, or PM your poke.
  6. Insta Gengar 31 spd. Gengar, not haunter. :P
  7. Insta Aerodactyl 31 spd 1.2m
  8. It's a service that is not available at the moment.
  9. When the bug was active, it happened in the part between petalburg city and petalburg woods of route 104. As for now, the bug only happens with the pokémon of that map. I can confirm that the tailow of the picture already got debugged, but newly caught pokémon in that route are still having those problems. They seem to mess up with the pokémon box too.
  10. 1. I tried relogging, and it still doesn't get a caught region. 2. New pokémon caught that go to the box while this bug is active, disappear instesd of going to the box. 3. I can't switch the position of said pokémon if it's in my party. 4. I want to keep the one in the pic.
  11. Adamant bought.
  12. Title. Paying 20k each, PM here or in game.
  13. Then it's not a bug? Just coded uncorrectly? Oh well, then it should be banned for ranked pvp then, because you never know if your opponent will or will not have one.
  14. Bump.
  15. Chesto Berry wake up message after using rest appears at the beginning of the next turn, instead of right after using rest. This is a huge bug as it can change the tide of the battle in pvp by not expecting the enemy to wake up as you don't get the message.
  16. Press on the circular arrow in the toolbar right of your items to resync everytime that happens.
  17. +1 Furret music, please.
  18. Closed
  19. Wtb this one for insta (60k) if it's still available.
  20. Insta Slowbro. Regenerator.
  21. Coins in silver are more expensive, so it'll probably be a bit more costly than what you expected.
  22. https://youtu.be/bzeFii47vE0 Here you have, so that you fill your brain with useful stuff. :)
  23. That's nice, now because you didn't report the scam, you can get a nice magikarp, train it correctly, and sweep all elite four easily. :)
  24. So all of us who beat the E4 of the four regions hacked the game? You can start by learning how the battle mechanics work so that you know what to do when battling against NPCs.
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