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Everything posted by Kivivk

  1. Hallowen event Mimikyu Dark Essense Mimikyu Chromas Valentine event Hippodown Summer Hippodown Chromas Hallowen Event Gardevoir Searing Abyss (Ursula) Gardevoir Chromas Easter event Mimikyu Bunny Mimikyu Chromas Hallowen event Dugtrio Minions Dugtrio Chromas
  2. Summer event Scizor Crystal Storm Scizor Chromas Hallowen event Aggron Paladin Aggron Chromas Valentine event Swampert Mangrove Swampert Chromas Hallowen event Gyarados Sunken Spirit Gyarados Chromas Hallowen event Gengar Ice Prison Gengar Chromas Hallowen event Gengar Toxic Wave Gengar Chromas
  3. Nice, can you pm in discord: kivi4ka
  4. close hand open inventory earth ball (increased chance of catching ground, water and flying Pokemon)
  5. my little work<3 fire ball ice ball angel ball star ball
  6. 1.5m
  7. 100k chim
  8. 1.1m
  9. 650k
  10. I want to buy porygon2 and carbink
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