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Posts posted by Iceflake

  1. Check to see if you have this option set to max, if you do click the button that says Vsync or lower it to your monitors refresh rate (usually 60/30/24 depending on your setup)  Having this on unlimited drastically increases the load of which the cpu needs to run at in my testing and can run my i7-8700k water cooled pretty toasty.

    Might be the problem hope this helps.

  2. 15 hours ago, Jusjeet said:

    How about like atleast changing the repel prompt from yes no to 1. Yes and 2. No so that we can use our keyboard alone to catch pokemon and whenever the prompt comes we can simply press 1 and it will refill the repel?


    Same reason as norex said, to prevent botters from having an easier time.

  3. I think its fine if they put it in the pvp shop.  200 pvp coins per megastone (with the requirement to buy it being you must already own the megastone you are trying to purchase)  Price was just made off the top of my head but don't really see a problem with it.  They will still 100% be untradable in this fantasy.

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