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Everything posted by Cobragon

  1. Bienvenue parmis nous :)
  2. Have you check your spam ? if yes try to make another account with gmail
  3. Welcome welcome !
  4. C'est gentil de nous rendre visite sur le forum, coucou à oi ;)
  5. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ [New] <t>Caterpie give 1 EV HP with Hoothoot on viridian forest ^^</t>
  6. Bienvenue bro ;)
  7. You does not understand me but you answers me, funny brief they answered you, have fun bro
  8. Welcome even if you is older than me !
  9. Have you the message of current connection having to press on the button? If not, verify that you possessed the last update of the game or your firewall ? If yes, you at sometimes need to wait for a small minute before the login queue appears, just wait ^^
  10. I doubt whom you are to pay off without a proof of are you to say, personally I have never lost money by winning against a pnj But a GM few can be to answer you better that I?
  11. Check your spam and if you do not still have it, try to use another e-mail as gmail or hotmail
  12. The training is complete thantaimetmoi You can come to look are you pokemon in game :)
  13. Bienvenue à toi hésite pas à nous rejoindre sur le tchat France ou French ;)
  14. Are you connected actually ? i will guide you InGame
  15. I take advantage of the message of Red to warn the players on a group of dishonest players which announces a false permanent closure of the server, their lie is fast silenced but some little suspicious player falls in their traps if you witness such act take the defense of the players and indicate them the way of the reason ;)
  16. New coupon discount for your friends :D
  17. Bienvenue parmis nous Pokefan Girl, hésite pas à passer sur le canal French ou France ;)
  18. Re: []~ ❣ Som's Sig Shack ❣ ~[] <t>Hi bro,<br/> <br/> Do you always make signature to order ? ^^</t>
  19. Bienvenue parmis nous hésite pas à nous rejoindre sur le canal French ou France :)
  20. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ [New] <r>Nice guide very usefull ! <E>:Heart:</E> <E>:y:</E> <E>:Heart:</E></r>
  21. *deleted*
  22. Wow very nice talent :o I am moreover going to make an excessive use of it if you allows it me to place a small order :Heart: Primary Text: Cobragon & Victrix Secondary Text: A black Heart between Cobragon & Viictrix, if you can with a little animation Main image: L & Misa Amane (Death Note) Color Scheme: Same color them my actually signature Dimensions: same your signature is good ? :o What arranges you most If you thinks it can arrive said there I your price IG or on the forum :D Thank bro :Cool:
  23. Re: 365 days of Christmas: MacCollin's Pokefarm <r>Hello MacCollin<br/> I am near 36 hours of game there and I would be interest by Meganium or Chikorita if you have <E>:Heart:</E></r>
  24. I have never seen it or heard I suppose that it is not still available
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