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About Electro008

  • Birthday 08/31/2008

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  1. Pokémon Revolution Online Services Electro008 Shop: Full Story Service (Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh) -2.5M Pokedollars 1.8M Pokedollars Includes all main story quests and Gym Battles.This can take upto 1 week to 2 weeks. Partial Story Service (Choose a Region) Kanto (First Four Badges) - 400k Pokedollars Johto (First Four Badges) - 400k Pokedollars Hoenn (First Four Badges) - 500k Pokedollars Sinnoh (First Four Badges) - 500k Pokedollars Full Region Story Service Individual Regions Kanto - 550k Pokedollars Johto - 550k Pokedollars Hoenn - 700k Pokedollars Sinnoh - 700k Pokedollars Region E4 Service (Choose a Region) each region - 50k Pokedollars Subway & Other Quest Service Kanto/Johto Subway - 200k Pokedollars (Includes bike, Nocturnal Feather, and 50k parcel) Hoenn/Sinnoh Teleport - 200k Pokedollars EXCAVATION-100K PER DAY. Cerulean cave-300k Pinkan island-350k halloween quests: Murky town quest:300k,Darkrai quest:500k(Upcoming) Discounts and Payment Half payment required in advance; service starts after receiving the advance payment. Remaining payment due after reaching midway in the story. Payment Methods Accept Pokedollars, RCS (6k each), reroll ticket (500k), coin capsule (370k). Terms and Conditions Do not log in during the service to avoid issues with saved Pokecenters and gyms. All Pokémon caught during the service will belong to the service provider. Service Duration Full Story Service Individual: 7 days Subway Quests: 2-5hrs Benefits No need to provide Pokémon or mounts. Frequent updates and screenshots throughout the service if u want. The service provider won't interfere with your in-game activities like digs or boss battles. Information will provided when i am going to anywhere/busy allowing you to log in if needed. Contact Discord: Electro#2921 IG: Electro008 feel free to give suggestions
  2. Same problem always faces freezes in current update
  3. Thank I thought only legendary poke spwans there so I didn't noticed volca
  4. Hi I am flash001, from gold. I got my 1st mystery ticket when I talked to mystery captain game was freezed so I relogged game but after relogging I didn't see any poke in birth island I just see black trangled shadow plz help
  5. Hi I am flash001 from gold, earlier I beaten some bosses straight 2 to 3 times but now they are just saying you beaten me once also I beaten 2 boss (spectify and maribela) they didn't give pve coins too
  6. Which region do u finished there are 4 regions in game now, u need to be hoenn champ also there are some requirements u need some legendary poke seen data which are mentioned by trolldady, when u complete these all requirements then u should talk to scientist npc at erutek burned tower he will give don't spam again u have defeated 3 dogs, make sure u have completed legendary birds,and some poke seen data
  7. Hi I am flash001 from gold server.I was fighting munchlax in munchlax resort when I try to talk 1 munchlax then it's said unexpected error
  8. In-Game Name:flash001 Discord Tag:ELECTRO#2921 Server:Gold How often do you use Discord? : twice in day What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord:looks everything fine and good and also congrats to all devs who bring us pro thanks I can't imagin how hard to develop these type of programs keep it up cya
  9. I don't know how to explain but I am trying to beat suicane guardian and he's abomasnow killed snorlax but snorlax still showing half HP so I changed to jolteon and changed to snorlax and he fainted also same thing happened to tango growth.
  10. In game name: flash001 Server yellow. Gmt Time zone +5:30 I need some help with gastly lvl 100. I unfortunately hold him ever stone and I forgot to evolve at 99lvl. Thanks
  11. I am trying train gastly for story but I forgot to evolve him at 99lvl. I need help how can I eco him to gengar. Plz help me
  12. Did u talked to guy near gym and get Devon item from that tunnel and once again talk to guy near gym and talk to manager
  13. Did
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