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Aggs last won the day on May 1 2022

Aggs had the most liked content!


About Aggs

  • Birthday 10/05/2001

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Aggs's Achievements

Junior Trainer

Junior Trainer (3/12)



  1. That would help, huh xd Sorry about that, it was this one right here, @Riddoe may confirm.
  2. You've won the ferro! sorry for the late response. Add me on discord Aggs#5274 so we can arrange a pick up, thanks
  3. Alexii trade completed, Antonello OT for 1 CC. Araragikun wins the Impish Flygon, and Alca wins the Laklak OT Flygon.
  4. Auc ended, Refandra won for 3.3m!
  5. Player name: Aggs Server: Gold Timezone: GMT -7 Rank on ladder: 1st (April)
  6. Lol0190 started ends 3:08 5/10
  7. RULES AUCTIONED FOR 72 HOURS, UNLESS INSTA IS MET. TIME IS IN GMT -7 CC = 400K, IV Reroll = 700K, Nature reroll = 350K. Only the Above items, and Pokedollars, are accepted as bids. Please make sure to post any offer or Insta on this thread, or in my In-Game Messages, to confirm the validity of all bids. For Instas or ended auctions, please contact me either through Forum PMs, or my discord Aggs#5274. I am also in PRO Discord as "Aggs." Thank you! C.O. 3m by Theghost713 Insta - 8m Min Bid - 250k
  8. Hey it looks like we just missed each other. Please add me on discord Aggs#5274 so we can communicate better because it doesnt seem like you understand what I'm saying through here. If you get on within 2 hours I will be on, message Aggs in game please.
  9. Help me out here bro dont just say ok :') When do you want to meet
  10. @TamchieumoiPlease contact me via Forum DMs or discord message Aggs#5274 to complete our trade, as the auction for Gallade has ended.
  11. Both starts have been added to the post. The end time for FERROSEED will be added onto the post in about 5h.
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